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Turrini, Maria Chiara, <p>Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Ferrara</p><p>Dipartimento di Biologia ed Evoluzione</p><p>Sezione di Paleobiologia, Preistoria e Antropologia</p>


Uleberg, Espen, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
Ullrich, Burkart
Underhill, David, Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins, University of Southampton
Uotila, Kari, Muuritutkimus Company and University of Turku
Uozu, Tomokatsu, Otemae University
Uriarte González, Antonio, <p>Laboratorio de Arqueolog&iacute;a del Paisaje y Teledetecci&oacute;n</p><p>Instituto de Historia. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - CSIC (Spanish National Research Council)</p>
Uribe, Paula, Instituto Ausonius <br />Universidad de Burdeos III <br />8, Esplanade des Antilles <br />33607 Pessac


Vachon, Véronique, French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research - INRAP
Vallori-Márquez, Bartomeu, Universitat de Barcelona
Valtolina, Stefano, Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Milano
Van Daele, Koen, Flanders Heritage Agency


van Leusen, Martijn, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Vanclooster, Ann, Ghent University
Vassallo, Valentina, The Cyprus Institute, STARC
Végvári, Zsófia
Vergi, Ioanneta
Vergne, Romain, University of Giessen
Verhagen, Philip, Research institute for the heritage and history of the Cultural Landscape and Urban Environment (CLUE) Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1105 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands
Verhagen, Philip, Research institute for the heritage and history of the Cultural Landscape and Urban Environment (CLUE), Faculty of Arts, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Verhoeven, Geert, Ludwig Bolzmann Institute, University of Vienna
Verhoeven, Geert, Ghent University (Belgium)
Vermeulen, Frank, Ghent University
Vermeulen, Frank, Department of Archaeology<br />Ghent University<br /><br />
Vicent García, Juan Manuel, <p>Grupo de Investigaci&oacute;n Prehistoria Social y Econ&oacute;mica.</p><p>Instituto de Historia. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - CSIC (Spanish National Research Council)</p>

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