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Glover, Jeffrey B., Georgia State University
Göbel, Karin, Foundation Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen - Schloß Gottorf - Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology
Goeldner, Reiner, Archaeological Heritage Office in Saxony
Gómez Cabeza, Francisco
Gomez de Ayala, Gabriele, Naumacos
Goncalves, Celia, Universidade do Algarve
Gonizzi Barsanti, Sara, University of Trieste
González-Acuña, Daniel, <p>Conjunto Arqueol&oacute;gico de Carmona</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
González-Morales, Manuel, IIIPC (<span>Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehist&oacute;ricas de Cantabria)</span>
Gonzalez-Perez, Cesar, Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)


gornés hachero, simón, Universitat de les Illes Balears


Gosden, Chris, University of Oxford
Gràcia, Joan Canela, Institut Catal&agrave; d'Arqueologia Cl&agrave;ssica (ICAC)
Granier, Xavier, INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
Green, Chris, University of Oxford
Grooms, Michael Claude, The University of New Mexico
Grosman, Leore, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Gruber, Ethan, American Numismatic Society
Gu, Ning, School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle, Australia


gual cerdó, joana, Consell Insular de Menorca


Guastaldi, Enrico, Center of Geotechnology of Siena University
Guerra, Francesco, Associate Professor, Laboratorio di Fotogrammetria, Sistema dei Laboratori, Università IUAV di Venezia
Guerreschi, Antonio, <p>Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Ferrara</p><p>Dipartimento di Biologia ed Evoluzione</p><p>Sezione di Paleobiologia, Preistoria e Antropologia</p>
Gugnali, Simona


guidi, alessandro, universit&agrave; roma tre

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