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Parthenios, Panagiotis, Assistant Professor in architectural design with digital media Department of architecture, Technical University of Crete
Pascual, Eduardo, Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering. University of Zaragoza
Pasin, Michele, King’s College London
Patay-Horváth, András, University ELTE, Budapest
Pavlidis, George, <div>Cultural and Educational Technology Institute, &lsquo;Athena&rsquo; Research Center, Greece</div>
Pavlogeorgatos, Gerasimos, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Greece
Pecci, Alessandra, ERAAUB, University of Barcelona
Pedersen, Ellen Anne, <p>Buskerud County Municipality</p>
Peeters, Hans, <h1 class="w3contentheader"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px;">Groningen Institute of Archaeology</span></h1><h1 class="w3contentheader"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px;">University of Groningen</span></h1>
Peña, Ana Maria, University of Burgos
Pereda, Javier, DTC Web Science - ECS University of Southampton Trinker//TrinkerMedia
Peresani, Marco, University of Ferrara
Pérez Asensio, Esther, <p>Unidad de SIG</p><p>Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - CSIC (Spanish National Research Council)</p>
Peroni, Alessandra, adArte snc
Persiani, Carlo, Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali di Roma
Perucchio, Renato, <p>University of Rochester</p><p>Department of Mechanical Engineering</p><p>Rochester, New York 14627</p>
Perucchio, Renato, University of Rochester Department of Mechanical Engineering Rochester, New York 14627
Pescarin, Sofia
Pescarin, Sofia, CNR ITABC
Pesonen, Petro, University of Helsinki
Petriaggi, Roberto, <html />
Petrik, Máté
Pett, Daniel, British Museum
Pierattini, Samuele
Pietroni, Eva, CNR

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