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University of Southampton OCS (beta), AASP Southampton 2011

Carboniferous spore assemblages from the northwestern Upper Rhine Graben, SW-Germany.
Hartmut Jaeger

Last modified: 2011-08-16


In Germany palynological studies are concentrated in the northern part, related to the Laurussian shelf. In the southern part palynological studies are rare, mainly focused on the Upper Carboniferous in the Saar Basin (e.g. Zerndt 1940, Bharadwaj 1957). Until now Lower Carboniferous spore assemblages in southwestern Germany are described from one well (Saar 1) only (Grebe 1976, Doubinger 1976), showing poorly preserved spore assemblages with low diversity, giving a generally Dinantian age.

About 100 km east of this well Carboniferous strata are described in a well at the western margin of the Upper Rhine Graben. Below the Permian strata dark grey shales and siltstones follow, which are assigned to the Lower Carboniferous ‘Kulm’ based only on lithological correlations. But the missing of Upper Carboniferous strata in this well, generally several thousand meters thick in the Saar Basin, questions this age dating. Until now no biostratigraphic identification of these strata was possible. The palynological investigation of 11 cores from this well showed generally high contents of organic matter, including spores in most samples. Spore assemblages are mostly poorly preserved with partially very low diversity, similar to assemblages from well Saar 1. Some samples show much better preservation and higher diversity. Based on the palynostratigraphical analysis of the spore assemblages a biostratigraphic control of the age dating was possible for the first time, providing important data for the geological development and the palaeogeographical interpretation of this area.




BHARADWAJ, D.C. (1957). The palynological investigations of the Saar coals. Palaeontographica, B 101 (5/6), 73–125.

DOUBINGER, J. (1976). Die Bohrung Saar 1: 7.3. Das Ergebnis der Sporenuntersuchungen in Proben aus Teufen zwischen 4461 m und 5608,6 m. Geol. Jahrbuch, A 27, 330–331.

GREBE, H. (1976): Die Bohrung Saar 1: 7.2. Das Ergebnis der Sporenuntersuchungen in Proben aus Teufen zwischen 82m und 4724 m. Geol. Jahrbuch, A 27: 321–329; Hannover.

ZERNDT, J. (1940): Megasporen des Saarkarbons. – Palaeontographica, B 84, 133–150.



Palynostratigraphy, Palaeozoic, Carboniferous, Spores, Pollen