This site has been permanently archived. This is a static copy provided by the University of Southampton.


Location and Transportation


Our event will be held at the Building of Physics and Astronomy (Room 2003, 2005).

The building (numbered 46) is on the Highfield Campus.

It is not on the Avenue Campus, which is the home of Humanities.

For information about transportation, see here:

If you take bus (Uni-link) or coach (National Express), please get off at University Bus Interchange.
Posted: 2015-06-14

Call for Registration & Respondent


British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference

23rd-25th June 2015

University of Southampton, UK



We would now like to invite anyone interested in attending to register through our Online Store byJune 18th.
The cost of registration is £30 (plus a 1.5% transaction fee levied by the university).
There is also an option to attend the conference dinner on June 23rd (£22 plus transaction fee).


We apologise for the short notice for this deadline.

Late registrants will still be welcome to attend to the conference.

But we cannot guarantee that there will be space at the conference dinner.


We would also like to invite registrants to give brief responses to papers in the programme, available online.

Volunteers will be put in contact with the author of a paper (of their choice).

So that they can receive the paper in time to compose a response.
Volunteers should indicate their interest not through the online store but by e-mailing Mr James Camien McGuiggan at


We are committed to equality of accessibility along all axes.

The conference building is wheelchair accessible and there are facilities in place for particular dietary requirements.
If anyone has any further questions concerning accessibility, dietary requirements, or childcare facilities,
again please contact James Camien at, and we will do all we can to assist.

Call for Registration

British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference


23rd-25thJune 2015

University of Southampton, UK


The British Postgraduate Philosophical Association (BPPA) annual conference will take place this year in the University of Southampton, from the 23rd-25thJune. The conference will provide a platform for postgraduate philosophy students to present their research and share ideas in a supportive and collegial environment. It will also include, on the 25th, a careers day with vocational advice.


We would now like to invite anyone interested in attending to register through our Online Store byJune 7th. (URL: The cost of registration is £30 (plus a 1.5% transaction fee levied by the university). There is also an option to attend the conference dinner on June 23rd(£22 plus transaction fee). We apologise for the short notice for this deadline; late registrants will still be welcome to attendtothe conference, but we cannot guarantee that there will be space at the conference dinner.


We would also like to invite registrants to give brief, c. 5-minute, responses to papers in the programme, available online. (URL: Volunteers will be put in contact with the author of a paper (of their choice) so that they can receive the paper in time to compose a response. We encourage people to volunteer to respond: it isgoodexperience, and helpful to speaker and audience both. Volunteers should indicate their interest not through the online store but by e-mailing Mr James Camien McGuiggan at


In addition to eighteen postgraduate talks, there will be two keynotes talks, by Prof. Stephen Mulhall (Oxford) andDr.Lucy O'Brien (UCL).


We are committed to equality of accessibility along all axes. The conference building is wheelchair accessible and there are facilities in place for particular dietary requirements. If anyone has any further questions concerning accessibility, dietary requirements, or childcare facilities, again please contact James Camien at, and we will do all we can to assist.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organisations: the Analysis Trust, the Aristotelian Society, the Mind Association, Mind & Language Journal, the School of Humanities in the University of Southampton, the British Philosophical Association, the British Society of Ethical Theory, and the British Society for the History of Philosophy.


We are maintaining two websites about the conference:


Questions and concerns are welcome, and should be directed, again, to James Camien


With best wishes,


James Camien McGuiggan

Call for Registration
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference
23rd-25th June 2015
University of Southampton, UK
Posted: 2015-05-30



PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE of the 2015 BPPA annual conference and careers day

First Day: Conference Day 1, Tuesday 23rd June, 2015

0930-1000: registration.

1000-1015: Chair’s Welcome Remark

1015-1145: Keynote Address

  • Stephen Mulhall (Oxford): Heidegger's Fountain

1145-1200: refreshments

1200-1300: Parallel Sessions 1

  • Ashley Shaw (UCL): 'The Objects of Interrogative Attitudes'
  • Hannah Laurens (Oxford): 'Attention Determines Action'

1300-1345: Lunch

1345-1445: Parallel Sessions 2

  • Graham C Bex-Priestley (Sheffield): 'A Consequentialist Approach to Solving Newcomb’s Problem'
  • Jaanika Puusalu (Exeter): 'Does Mediated Communication Lead to Alienation?'
1445-1545: Parallel Sessions 3
  • Mattia Sorgon (Roma Tre/KCL): 'Sometimes Coincidence'
  • Marta Zareba (Warsaw): 'The Causal Powers of Intentions'
1545-1600: refreshments
1600-1700: Parallel Sessions 4
  • Marius Baumann (Berne):  The Underdetermination of Moral Theories
  • Patrick Hassan (Reading): 'The Conditions of Achievement'
1700-1800: BPPA AGM & Executive Committee Election
1800: Drink at local pub.


Second Day: Conference Day 2, Wednesday 24th June

0930-0945: Arrival

0945-1045: Parallel Sessions 5

  • Alan Wilson (Edinburgh): 'Proposing a Cardinal Structure for Moral and Intellectual Virtues'
  • Max Brinnich (Vienna): 'Time and Life: The Phenomena of Time and Human Life in Kant and Levinas'

1045-1145: Parallel Sessions 6

  • Simon Stubbs (Sheffield): 'On Thinking about Natural Kinds'
  • Daisy Dixon (Cambridge): 'Silencing and the Illocutionary Act of Refusal'

1145-1200: refreshments

1200-1300: Parallel Sessions 7

  • Maxime Lepoutre (Oxford): Immigration and Coercion:
    On the Self-Determination Argument for the Right to Control Borders'
  • Alfonso Anaya Ruiz Esparza (Warwick): 'Radical Externalism and the Three-place Relational view of Experience'

1300-1400: lunch

1400-1500: Parallel Sessions 8

  • Simon Barker (Sheffield): 'Talk about a disagreement!'
  • Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini (John Hopkins): 'Transparent Belief, Opaque Emotion'

1500-1600: Parallel Sessions 9

  • Benjamin Paget-Woods (Oxford): 'Doxastic States as Higher-Order Evidence'
  • Michael Hunter (UC Davis): 'Philosophers Behaving Badly:
    The systemic failures of “Experimental Philosophy”'

1600-1615: refreshments

1615-1745: Keynote Address

  • Lucy O’Brien (UCL): TBA

1745-1900: Drink at local pub

1900: Conference Dinner


Third Day: Careers Day, Thursday, 25th June

1000-1130: Publication Advice (with Q&A)

  • Daniel Whiting (Southampton)

1130-1145: Refreshments

1145-1300: Minority in Philosophy

  • Sophie Stammers (KCL; MAP UK Director)

1300-1400: Lunch

1400-1530: CV Review:

  • Christopher Janaway (Southampton); Jonathan Way (Southampton).

1530-1545: Refreshments

1545-1715: Job Market (with Q&A)

  • Lee Walters (Southampton), on the UK market.
  • Elselijn Kingma (Southampton, on the EU market.
  • Kurt Sylvan (Southampton), on the US market.

1715-1730: Closing Remarks

First Day: Conference Day 1, Tuesday 23rdJune, 2015

First Day: Conference Day 1, Tuesday 23rd June, 2015

0930-1000: registration.

1000-1015: Chair’s Welcome Remark

1015-1145: Keynote Address

  • Stephen Mulhall (Oxford): Heidegger's Fountain

1145-1200: refreshments

1200-1300: Parallel Sessions 1

  • Ashley Shaw (UCL): 'The Objects of Interrogative Attitudes'
  • Hannah Laurens (Oxford): 'Attention Determines Action'

1300-1345: Lunch

1345-1445: Parallel Sessions 2

  • Graham C Bex-Priestley (Sheffield): 'A Consequentialist Approach to Solving Newcomb’s Problem'
  • Jaanika Puusalu (Exeter): 'Does Mediated Communication Lead to Alienation?'
1445-1545: Parallel Sessions 3
  • Mattia Sorgon (Roma Tre/KCL): 'Sometimes Coincidence'
  • Marta Zareba (Warsaw): 'The Causal Powers of Intentions'
1545-1600: refreshments
1600-1700: Parallel Sessions 4
  • Marius Baumann (Berne):  The Underdetermination of Moral Theories
  • Patrick Hassan (Reading): 'The Conditions of Achievement'
1700-1800: BPPA AGM & Executive Committee Election
1800: Drink at local pub.


Second Day: Conference Day 2, Wednesday 24th June

0930-0945: Arrival (coffee & tea)

0945-1045: Parallel Sessions 5

  • Alan Wilson (Edinburgh): 'Proposing a Cardinal Structure for Moral and Intellectual Virtues'
  • Max Brinnich (Vienna): 'Time and Life: The Phenomena of Time and Human Life in Kant and Levinas'

1045-1145: Parallel Sessions 6

  • Simon Stubbs (Sheffield): 'On Thinking about Natural Kinds'
  • Daisy Dixon (Cambridge): 'Silencing and the Illocutionary Act of Refusal'

1145-1200: refreshments

1200-1300: Parallel Sessions 7

  • Maxime Lepoutre (Oxford): Immigration and Coercion: On the Self-Determination Argument for the Right to Control Borders'
  • Alfonso Anaya Ruiz Esparza (Warwick): 'Radical Externalism and the Three-place Relational view of Experience'

1300-1400: lunch

1400-1500: Parallel Sessions 8

  • Simon Barker (Sheffield): 'Talk about a disagreement!'
  • Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini (John Hopkins): 'Transparent Belief, Opaque Emotion'

1500-1600: Parallel Sessions 9

  • Benjamin Paget-Woods (Oxford): 'Doxastic States as Higher-Order Evidence'
  • Michael Hunter (UC Davis): 'Philosophers Behaving Badly: The systemic failures of “Experimental Philosophy”'

1600-1615: refreshments

1615-1745: Keynote Address

  • Lucy O’Brien (UCL): TBA

1745-1900: Drink at local pub

1900: Conference Dinner


Third Day: Careers Day, Thursday, 25th June

1000-1130: CV Review:

  • Chris Janaway (Southampton); Janathan Way (Southampton).

1130-1145: Refreshments

1145-1300: Minority in Philosophy

  • Filippo Contesi (York)

1300-1400: Lunch

1400-1530: Publication Advice (with Q&A)

  • Daniel Whiting (Southampton)

1530-1545: Refreshments

1545-1715: Job Market (with Q&A)

  • Lee Walters (Southampton), on the UK market.
  • Elselijn Kingma (Southampton, on the EU market.
  • Kurt Sylvan (Southampton), on the US market.

1715-1730: Closing Remarks

First Day: Conference Day 1, Tuesday 23rdJune, 2015

Posted: 2015-05-29 More...

Conference Proceedings by Philosophical Writings


We are glad to announce that Philosophical Writings will publish our conference proceedings as a special issue.
You will have the opportunity to submit your papers for consideration of publication in the conference proceedings.
It's a great opportunity, so don't hesitate to submit your works to us!


Posted: 2015-04-02 More...

Conference Sponsors


the History of Philosophy
Posted: 2015-02-19

First Call for Abstracts


We invite submissions to the 2015 BPPA conference, to be held in the University of Southampton on the 23rd-25th June, 2015. The conference will provide a platform for postgraduate philosophy students to present their research and share ideas in a supportive and collegial environment. It will also include, on the 25th, a careers day with vocational advice.

Please send anonymised abstracts of between 500 and 800 words for papers of 20-25 minutes to Mr James Camien McGuiggan at by 1 May 2015. Queries are welcome and should be directed to the same address. Submissions are welcome in any area and tradition of philosophy, and should be in a standard file format (e.g., .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt). We also invite volunteers to give brief, c.-5-minute, responses to the papers. A small bursary is available from the British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA) for any papers accepted on the philosophy of sport.

We will try to secure funding to cover expenses for as many participants as possible. However, participants are encouraged to apply for funding from their home institution.

There will be two keynotes, Stephen Mulhall (Oxford) and Lucy O'Brien (UCL).

The University of Southampton is committed to equality along all axes, and submissions from under-represented groups are especially welcome. The conference will be held in an accessible building, and if you have any particular requirements, including dietary requirements, we will do all we can to accommodate. All abstracts will be double-blind reviewed.

Posted: 2014-12-05
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