N.B.: The submission of a poster abstract is mandatory to get a place at the school. If no poster abstract reaches the scientific committee by 30 April 2015 the registration is not valid and the place will be given to someone else!
Author Guidelines
In preparing the abstract please use a Word document and follow the guidelines below:
Title is 12pt Times New Roman bold, centered
(Leave a 10pt space here)
Authors are 10pt Times New Roman regular, centered
(Leave a 10pt space here)
Authors’ affiliation are 10pt Times New Roman italic, centered
(Leave a 10pt space here)
Main text is 11pt Times New Roman regular, justified. Margins are 2.54cm up and down, left and right. Paper size is A4. Use max 1 page. Figs, tables, schemes can be included. Please center these in the page. References should be cited as1.
(Leave a 10pt space here)
1. References are 8pt Times New Romans regular, aligned left
Submissions for this conference were closed on 2015-04-30.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.