
Registration Type Cost
Standard registration 400.00 GBP (Registration Closed 2013-07-05)

Include the conference dinner, a tour to Stonehenge and Salisbury, a guided tour in Southampton Old Town, and a three-day Uni-link bus ticket.

The standard accommodation and accompanying person registrations are available as options in this registration type.


Student registration - standard 250.00 GBP (Registration Closed 2013-06-11)

Include the conference dinner, a tour to Stonehenge and Salisbury, a guided tour in Southampton Old Town, and a three-day Uni-link bus ticket.

The standard accommodation and accompanying person registrations are available as options in this registration type.

Before registration, please send a scanned copy of your student ID card to the conference administrator:

Once your student identity has been confirmed, the administrator will send you a code for registration.

Note that you also need to present your ID card on the first day of the registration.


Registration Manager

Name VeRoLog 2013