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Hinojosa, Miguel Ángel, Pablo de Olavide University
Hirsch, Patrick, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Hirsch, Patrick, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Institute of Production and Logistics
Hoff, Arild
Honhon, Dorothee, Eindhoven University of Technology


Irnich, Stefan, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz


John, Matthew, School of Computer Science & Informatics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Juan, Angel A., <p>Department of Computer Science. Open University of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain</p>


Kartal, Zuhal
Kaspi, Mor, <p><span style="font-size: 10px;">Tel Aviv University</span></p>
Khmelev, Alexey Vladimirovich, Novosibirsk State University
Kleff, Alexander, PTV Group, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 15, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Koç, Çağrı, Southampton Management School and CORMSIS, University of Southampton
Kochetov, Yury Andreevich, <span>Sobolev Institute of Mathematics</span><br />
Korkmaz, Duygu, Koc University
Küçükaydin, Hande, University of Liège, HEC Management School
Kurasova, Olga, Vilnius University, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Akademijos St. 4, LT 08663, Vilnius, Lithuania
Kuznietsov, Konstantin A., Oles Honchar Dniprpetrovsk National University


Laganà, Demetrio, Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering University of Calabria Ponte Pietro Bucci, building 41/C 87036 Rende (CS) Italy
Lai, Michela, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, Italy,
Laporte, Gilbert
Laporte, Gilbert
Laporte, Gilbert, HEC Montreal (Canada)
Larsen, Rune, DTU Transport, Technical University of Denmark
Lee, Chungmok, IT Convergence Technology Research Laboratory, ETRI

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