CheckMATE is a framework that allows the user to conveniently test simulated BSM physics events against current LHC data in order to derive exclusion limits. For this purpose, the data runs through a detector simulation and is then processed by a user chosen number of experimental analyses. These analyses determine event predictions of the signal for various kinematic regions of interest that can be compared to the experimental data with different statistical tools. It is especially powerful for non-minimal models as various final state topologies can easily be tested in parallel.
In the talk I will illustrate the main aspects and features of this tool, with a main focus on its application to a natural NMSSM scenario. Here, an extra singlet chiral superfield which is added to the usual MSSM field content can lead to a spectrum with light gluinos and third generation squarks and an extra neutralino in the decay chain compared to the MSSM. I will discuss the collider signatures of this scenario and show limits on different benchmark cases derived with CheckMATE. Finally I will give an outlook to current and future developments on CheckMATE.