There is currently a 3.5σ discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction and experimental measurements of the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2), giving a tantalising glimpse into the possibility of new physics. Currently, the largest source of error comes from the hadronic contribution, for which no first-principles analytical approach exists. Lattice QCD offers a numerical approach to first-principles calculation of this hadronic contribution. This provides an opportunity to improve the precision of theoretical predictions of g-2, something which is much needed as we approach the beginning of a new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab which promises to further improve the precision of experimental measurements.
As lattice QCD calculations of this quantity approach the 1% precision level, isospin-breaking effects become important. In this talk, a method is discussed for including QED effects in lattice computation of the hadronic vacuum polarisation.