The University of Southampton

Dr Alberto Politi 

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Associate Professor

Admission Tutor


Alberto Politi received the B.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering and M.Phys. degree from the University of Pavia, Pavia (IT) in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He obtained his PhD degree at the Centre for Quantum Photonics, University of Bristol, Bristol (U.K) in 2010 where he demonstrated the first chip for quantum photonics, the first integrated optical quantum algorithm and other key ingredients for optical quantum technologies. After a postdoctoral position at the Center for Quantum Photonics, he was research assistant at the University of California, Santa Barbara (USA) from 2011 to 2013 working on solid-state quantum computing using silicon carbide colour centres. Alberto is currently Associate Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Southampton, where he leads the Quantum nanoPhotonics Lab.


Research interests

Quantum optics

Quantum technologies

Non-linear optics and photonics

Solid state physics, color centers in semiconductors


I teach the following courses:

- Introduction to Photonics (PHYS1004)

- Physics from Evidence I (PHYS2022)

And demonstrate in the lab-based modules:

- Physics from Evidence II (PHYS6008)

I also supervise:

- MPhys Projects (PHYS6006)

- Bachelor Projects (PHYS3018)

- Year of Experimental Research Final Projects (PHYS6018)


Politi, Alberto, Cryan, Martin, Rarity, John, Yu, Siyuan and O'Brien, Jeremy (2008) Silica-on-silicon waveguide quantum circuits. Science, 320 (5876), 646-649. (doi:10.1126/science.1155441).

Peruzzo, Alberto, Lobino, Mirko, Matthews, Jonathan, Matsuda, Nobuyuki, Politi, Alberto, Poulios, Konstantinos, Zhou, Xiao-Qi, Lahini, Yoav, Ismail, Nur, Wörhoff, Kerstin, Bromberg, Yaron, Silberberg, Yaron, Thompson, Mark and O'Brien, Jeremy (2010) Quantum walks of correlated photons. Science, 329 (5998), 1500-1503. (doi:10.1126/science.1193515).

Politi, Alberto, Matthews, Jonathan and O'Brien, Jeremy (2009) Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm on a photonic chip. Science, 325 (5945), 1221. (doi:10.1126/science.1173731).

Matthews, Jonathan, Politi, Alberto, Stefanov, André and O'Brien, Jeremy (2009) Manipulation of multiphoton entanglement in waveguide quantum circuits. Nature Photonics, 3, 346-350. (doi:10.1038/nphoton.2009.93).

Alija, Alfonso R, Martínez, Luis Javier, Postigo, Pablo Aitor, Sánchez-Dehesa, Jose, Galli, Matteo, Politi, Alberto, Patrini, Maddalena, Andreani, Lucio C., Seassal, Christian and Viktorovitch, Pierre (2007) Theoretical and experimental study of the Suzuki-phase photonic crystal lattice by angle-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. Optics Express, 15 (2), 704-713. (doi:10.1364/OE.15.000704).

Calusine, Greg, Politi, Alberto and Awschalom, David D. (2014) Silicon carbide photonic crystal cavities with integrated color centers. Applied Physics Letters, 105 (1), 011123-[6pp]. (doi:10.1063/1.4890083).

Crespi, Andrea, Lobino, Mirko, Matthews, Jonathan C.F., Politi, Alberto, Neal, Chris R., Ramponi, Roberta, Osellame, Roberto and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2012) Measuring protein concentration with entangled photons. Applied Physics Letters, 100 (23), 233704-1-233704-5. (doi:10.1063/1.4724105).

Falk, Abram L., Buckley, Bob B., Calusine, Greg, Koehl, William F., Dobrovitski, Viatcheslav V., Politi, Alberto, Zorman, Christian A., Feng, Philip X-L. and Awschalom, David D. (2013) Polytype control of spin qubits in silicon carbide. Nature Communications, 4 (1819), 1-7. (doi:10.1038/ncomms2854).

Galli, Matteo, Gerace, D., Politi, Alberto, Liscidini, M., Patrini, Maddalena, Andreani, Lucio C., Canino, A., Miritello, M., Savio, R. Lo, Irrera, A. and Priolo, F. (2006) Direct evidence of light confinement and emission enhancement in active silicon-on-insulator slot waveguides. Applied Physics Letters, 89 (24), 241114-1-241114-4. (doi:10.1063/1.2404936).

Galli, M., Politi, A., Belotti, M., Gerace, D., Liscidini, M., Patrini, M., Andreani, L.C., Miritello, M., Irrera, A., Priolo, F. and Chen, Y. (2006) Strong enhancement of Er3+ emission at room temperature in silicon-on-insulator photonic crystal waveguides. Applied Physics Letters, 88 (25), 251114-1. (doi:10.1063/1.2214180).

Irrera, A., Galli, M., Miritello, M., Lo Savio, R., Iacona, F., Franzò, G., Canino, A., Piro, A.M., Belotti, M., Gerace, D., Politi, A., Liscidini, M., Patrini, M., Sanfilippo, D., Fallica, P.G., Andreani, L.C. and Priolo, F. (2009) New approaches for enhancing light emission from Er-based materials and devices. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 41 (6), 891-898. (doi:10.1016/j.physe.2008.08.050).

Kennard, J.E., Hadden, J.P., Marseglia, L., Aharonovich, I., Castelletto, S., Patton, B.R., Politi, A., Matthews, J.C.F., Sinclair, A.G., Gibson, B.C., Prawer, S., Rarity, J.G. and O'Brien, J.L. (2013) On-chip manipulation of single photons from a diamond defect. Physical Review Letters, 111 (21), 213603. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.213603).

Laing, Anthony, Peruzzo, Alberto, Politi, Alberto, Verde, Maria Rodas, Halder, Matthaeus, Ralph, Timothy C., Thompson, Mark G. and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2010) High-fidelity operation of quantum photonic circuits. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (21), 211109. (doi:10.1063/1.3497087).

Li, H.W., Przeslak, S., Niskanen, A.O., Matthews, J.C.F., Politi, A., Shadbolt, P., Laing, A., Lobino, M., Thompson, M.G. and O'Brien, J.L. (2011) Reconfigurable controlled two-qubit operation on a quantum photonic chip. New Journal of Physics, 13 (11), 115009. (doi:10.1088/1367-2630/13/11/115009).

Li, H.W., Wabnig, J., Bitauld, D., Shadbolt, P., Politi, A., Laing, A., O'Brien, J.L. and Niskanen, A.O. (2013) Calibration and high fidelity measurement of a quantum photonic chip. New Journal of Physics, 15 (6), 63017. (doi:10.1088/1367-2630/15/6/063017).

Marshall, Graham D., Politi, Alberto, Matthews, Jonathan C.F., Dekker, Peter, Ams, Martin, Withford, Michael J. and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2009) Laser written waveguide photonic quantum circuits. Optics Express, 17 (15), 12546-12554. (doi:10.1364/OE.17.012546).

Masada, Genta, Miyata, Kazunori, Politi, Alberto, Hashimoto, Toshikazu, O'Brien, Jeremy L. and Furusawa, Akira (2015) Continuous-variable entanglement on a chip. Nature Photonics, 9, 316-319. (doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.42).

Matthews, Jonathan C.F., Poulios, Konstantinos, Meinecke, Jasmin D.A., Politi, Alberto, Peruzzo, Alberto, Ismail, Nur, Wörhoff, Kerstin, Thompson, Mark G. and O'Brien, Jeremy L (2013) Observing fermionic statistics with photons in arbitrary processes. Scientific Reports, 3, 1539. (doi:10.1038/srep01539).

Matthews, Jonathan C.F., Politi, Alberto, Bonneau, Damien and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2011) Heralding two-photon and four-photon path entanglement on a chip. Physical Review Letters, 107 (16), 163602. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.163602).

Meinecke, J.D.A., Poulios, K., Politi, a., Matthews, J.C.F., Peruzzo, A., Ismail, N., Wörhoff, K., O'Brien, J.L. and Thompson, M.G. (2013) Coherent time evolution and boundary conditions of two-photon quantum walks in waveguide arrays. Physical Review A, 88 (1), 12308. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.88.012308).

Peruzzo, Alberto, Laing, Anthony, Politi, Alberto, Rudolph, Terry and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2011) Multimode quantum interference of photons in multiport integrated devices. Nature Communications, 2, 224. (doi:10.1038/ncomms1228).

Politi, Alberto, Matthews, J., Thompson, M.G. and O'Brien, J.L. (2009) Integrated quantum photonics. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 15 (6), 1673-1684. (doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2009.2026060).

Postigo, Pablo A., Alija, Alfonso R., Martínez, Luis J., Dotor, M., Golmayo, D., Sanchezdehesa, J., Seassal, Christian, Viktorovitch, Pierre, Galli, Matteo, Politi, Alberto, Patrini, Maddalena and Andreani, Lucio C. (2007) Laser nanosources based on planar photonic crystals as new platforms for nanophotonic devices. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 5 (2-3), 79-85. (doi:10.1016/j.photonics.2007.07.004).

Poulios, Konstantinos, Fry, Daniel, Politi, Alberto, Ismail, Nur, Wörhoff, Kerstin, O'Brien, Jeremy L. and Thompson, Mark G. (2013) Two-photon quantum interference in integrated multi-mode interference devices. Optics Express, 21 (20), 23401-23409. (doi:10.1364/OE.21.023401). (PMID:24104253)

Poulios, Konstantinos, Keil, Robert, Fry, Daniel, Meinecke, Jasmin D.A., Matthews, Jonathan C.F., Politi, Alberto, Lobino, Mirko, Gräfe, Markus, Heinrich, Matthias, Nolte, Stefan, Szameit, Alexander and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2014) Quantum walks of correlated photon pairs in two-dimensional waveguide arrays. Physical Review Letters, 112 (14), 143604. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.143604).

Shadbolt, Peter J., Verde, Maria Rodas, Peruzzo, Alberto, Politi, Alberto, Laing, Anthony, Lobino, Mirko, Matthews, Jonathan C. F., Thompson, Mark G. and O'Brien, Jeremy L. (2011) Generating, manipulating and measuring entanglement and mixture with a reconfigurable photonic circuit. Nature Photonics, 6 (1), 45-49. (doi:10.1038/nphoton.2011.283).

Thompson, M.G., Politi, A., Matthews, J.C.F. and O'Brien, J.L. (2011) Integrated waveguide circuits for optical quantum computing. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 5 (2), 94-102. (doi:10.1049/iet-cds.2010.0108).

Ukai, Ryuji, Iwata, Noriaki, Shimokawa, Yuji, Armstrong, Seiji C., Politi, Alberto, Yoshikawa, Jun-ichi, van Loock, Peter and Furusawa, Akira (2011) Demonstration of unconditional one-way quantum computations for continuous variables. Physical Review Letters, 106 (24), 240504. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.240504).

Gubbin, Christopher, Martini, Francesco, Politi, Alberto, Maier, Stefan and De Liberato, Simone (2016) Coherent coupling between localised and propagating phonon polaritons. Physical Review Letters, 116, [246402]. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.246402).

Politi, Alberto, Calusine, Greg and Awschalom, David D. (2016) Cavity-enhanced measurements of defect spins in silicon carbide. Physical Review Applied, 6 (14019), 1-8. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.6.014019).

Politi, Alberto (2017) Linear Integrated Optics in 3C Silicon Carbide. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0039 [Dataset]

Martini, Francesco and Politi, Alberto (2017) Linear integrated optics in 3C silicon carbide. Optics Express, 24 (10), 10735-10742. (doi:10.1364/OE.25.010735).

Cernansky, Robert, Martini, Francesco and Politi, Alberto (2018) Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor compatible source of single photons at near-visible wavelengths. Optics Letters, 43 (4), 855-858. (doi:10.1364/OL.43.000855).

Politi, Alberto (2018) Dataset for “Four wave mixing in 3C SiC ring resonators”. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0554 [Dataset]

Politi, Alberto and Martini, Francesco (2018) Four wave mixing in 3C SiC ring resonators. Applied Physics Letters, 112 (25), [251110]. (doi:10.1063/1.5034456).

Razdolski, Ilya, Passler, Nikolai Christian, Gubbin, Christopher R., Winta, Christopher J., Cernansky, Robert, Martini, Francesco, Politi, Alberto, Maier, Stefan A., Wolf, Martin, Paarmann, Alexander and Liberato, Simone De (2018) Second harmonic generation from strongly coupled localized and propagating phonon-polariton modes. Physical Review B, 98, [125425]. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.98.125425).

Barrett, Thomas Daniel, Rubenok, Allison, Stuart, Dustin, Barter, Oliver, Holleczek, Annemarie, Dilley, Jerome, Nisbet-Jones, Peter, Poulios, Konstantinos, Marshall, Graham, O.Brien, Jeremy, Politi, Alberto, Matthews, Jonathan and Kuhn, Axel (2018) Multimode interferometry for entangling atoms in quantum networks. Quantum Science and Technology. (doi:10.1088/2058-9565/aafaba).

Petra, Rafidah, Oo, Swe Zin, Tarazona, Antulio, Cernansky, Robert, Reynolds, Scott A., Khokhar, Ali Z., Mittal, Vinita, Thomson, David J., Politi, Alberto, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T. and Chong, Harold M.H. (2019) HWCVD a-Si:H interlayer slope waveguide coupler for multilayer silicon photonics platform. Optics Express, 27 (11), 15735-15749. (doi:10.1364/OE.27.015735).

Petra, Rafidah, Oo, Swe, Tarazona, Antulio, Cernansky, Robert, Reynolds, Scott, Thomson, David, Khokhar, A.Z., Politi, Alberto, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Chong, H.M.H. (2017) HWCVD a-Si:H interlayer slope waveguide coupler for multilayer silicon photonics platform. 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2017, , Berlin, Germany. 22 - 24 Aug 2017. pp. 47-48 . (doi:10.1109/GROUP4.2017.8082189).

Gaggero, Alessandro, Martini, Francesco, Mattioli, Francesco, Chiarello, Fabio, Cernansky, Robert, Politi, Alberto and Leoni, Roberto (2019) Amplitude-multiplexed readout of single photon detectors based on superconducting nanowires. Optica, 6, 823-828. (doi:10.1364/OPTICA.6.000823).

Chatzopoulos, Ioannis, Martini, Francesco, Cernansky, Robert and Politi, Alberto (2019) High-Q/V photonic crystal cavities and QED analysis in 3C-SiC. ACS Photonics, 6 (8). (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01671).

Politi, Alberto (2019) Dataset for “High-Q/V photonic crystal cavities and QED analysis in 3C-SiC”. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0996 [Dataset]

Mancini, Andrea, Gubbin, Christopher, Berté, Rodrigo, Martini, Francesco, Politi, Alberto, Cortés, Emiliano, Li, Yi, De Liberato, Simone and Maier, Stefan A. (2020) Near-field spectroscopy of cylindrical phonon-polariton antennas. ACS Nano, 14 (7), 8508-8517. (doi:10.1021/acsnano.0c02784).

Garrisi, Francesco, Chatzopoulos, Ioannis, Cernansky, Robert and Politi, Alberto (2020) A silicon carbide photonic platform based on suspended subwavelength waveguides. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 37 (11), 3453-3460.

Cernansky, Robert and Politi, Alberto (2020) Nanophotonic source of quadrature squeezing via self phase modulation. APL Photonics, 5 (10), [101303]. (doi:10.1063/5.0024341).


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