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SPLLOC 1 Clitic Production Task

This is a 32 item focused production task specially developed for the SPLLOC 1 project. The idea for the task was adapted from the research of Teresa Cadierno and we are grateful for her collaboration. The object of the task is to elicit from learners examples of Spanish L2 utterances including clitic object projouns.

The task has been developed using Macromedia Authorware and is presented on a laptop computer. For each item, the learner sees a stimulus sequence of two pictures and hears and reads a question about the activities shown. The items are designed to elicit a range of object pronouns varying by gender and number.

Sample item:

Qué hace la chica con su pelo?

(What does the girl do to her hair?)

Lavar(Wash) Lavar(Wash)
Wash dry

Typical native speaker response: primero se lo lava y luego se lo seca.