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Right hemispheric self-awareness: A critical assessment

Morin, Alain (2002) Right hemispheric self-awareness: A critical assessment. [Journal (Paginated)]

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In this commentaryI evaluate the claim made byKeenan, Nelson, OConnor, and Pascual-Leone (2001) that since self-recognition results from right hemispheric activity, self-awareness too is likely to be produced by the activity of the same hemisphere. This reasoning is based on the assumption that self-recognition represents a valid operationalization of self-awareness; I present two views that challenge this rationale. Keenan et al. also support their claim with published evidence relating brain activityand self-awareness; I closely examine their analysis of one specific review of literature and conclude that it appears to be biased. Finally, recent research suggests that inner speech (which is associated with left hemispheric activity) is linked to self-awareness—an observation that further casts doubt on the existence of a right hemispheric self-awareness.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Self-awareness, self-recognition, neuroanatomy, split-brain, inner speech, right hemisphere
Subjects:Neuroscience > Neuropsychology
Neuroscience > Brain Imaging
Psychology > Comparative Psychology
Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Evolutionary Psychology
Neuroscience > Neuroanatomy
ID Code:3790
Deposited On:03 Sep 2004
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

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