Number of items at this level: 12.
Turner, Edd and Butler, Michael and Leuschel, Michael
A Refinement-Based Correctness Proof of Symmetry Reduced Model Checking.
In: ABZ 2010.
(In Press)
Wieczorek, S. and Kozyura, V. and Roth, A. and Leuschel, Michael and Bendisposto, Jens and Plagge, Daniel and Schieferdecker, I.
Applying Model Checking to Generate Model-based Integration Tests from Choreography Models.
21st IFIP Int. Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems and the 9th Int. Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software TESTCOM/FATES 2009
(In Press)
Plagge, Daniel and Leuschel, Michael and Lopatkin, Ilya and Iliasov, Alexei and Romanovsky, Alexander
SAL, Kodkod, and BDDs for Validation of B Models. Lessons and Outlook.
In: AFM09 (Automated Formal Methods), 27 June 2009, Grenoble, France.
(In Press)
Leuschel, Michael and Fontaine, Marc
Probing the Depths of CSP-M: A New FDR-Compliant Validation Tool.
Proceedings of ICFEM 2008.
Springer-Verlag, pp. 278-297.
Leuschel, Michael and Samia, Mireille and Bendisposto, Jens and Samia, Mireille
Easy Graphical Animation and Formula Visualisation for Teaching B.
In: The B Method : From Research to Teaching, June 16, 2008, Nantes, France.
Bendisposto, Jens and Leuschel, Michael and Ligot, Olivier and Samia, Mireille
La validation de modèles Event-B avec le plug-in ProB pour RODIN.
pp. 1065-1084.
Spermann, Corinna and Leuschel, Michael
ProB gets Nauty: Effective Symmetry Reduction for B and Z Models.
Proceedings of TASE 2008.
IEEE Press, pp. 15-22.
Leuschel, Michael and Butler, Michael
ProB: An Automated Analysis Toolset for the B Method.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 10
pp. 185-203.
Leuschel, Michael
The High Road to Formal Validation: Model Checking High-Level versus Low-Level Specifications.
Proceedings ABZ'2008.
Springer-Verlag, pp. 4-23.
Leuschel, Michael and Falampin, Jérôme and Fabian, Fritz and Daniel, Plagge
Automated Property Verification for Large Scale B Models.
Proceedings FM 2009.
(In Press)
Bendisposto, Jens and Leuschel, Michael
Proof Assisted Model Checking for B.
[Rodin Archive]
Hallerstede, Stefan and Leuschel, Michael and Plagge, Daniel
Refinement-Animation for Event-B - Towards a Method of Validation.
Proceedings ABZ 2010.
(In Press)
This list was generated on Wed Jan 17 07:49:16 2018 GMT.