Map Lightbox management

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Lightbox Management[edit]

Here the user can manage his lightbox.




A user will each have one lightbox and the search form and results page will both have a menu item that loads the user's lightbox. The user will be able to create

  1. Manage folder tree
    1. create folder
    2. create sub-folder
    3. remove a folder (including all sub-folders)
    4. rename a folder
    5. add a description to a folder
    6. modify a description for a folder
    7. remove a description from a folder
  2. add lightbox entry for user
    1. add an entry to a folder
    2. add a collection of entries to a folder
  3. view lightbox entries for a user
    1. view entries in a folder
    2. view entries in all folders
  4. remove lightbox entry
    1. remove an entry from a folder
    2. remove all entries from a folder
  5. Annotate Entries
    1. Annotate entry in a folder
  6. Export to content package
    1. export folder to content package
    2. export entire lightbox to content package