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Page 13

Millie Watts: My research

My research project is a fascinating topic, and I am very lucky to be part of the team that I work in here. I work as part of the Sedimentology and Marine Geohazards research group, specifically on the Arctic Landslide Tsunami Project which is seeking to address the risks posed to the UK by tsunamis. Continue reading →

Torben Stichel: What does the ocean mean to me

I find it difficult to put into words what the ocean means to me. The sea has always been present in my personal life and in my work. I was born in a small town with a long maritime history. Flensburg, in the very north of Germany, was once one of the most important harbour cities of Denmark, and is now known for its fjord and beautiful sailing landscape. The ocean means home to me. Continue reading →

Heather Goring-Harford: What do the oceans mean to me?

I was born and raised in London. I didn’t live near the coast and I certainly never knew anybody - sailor, scientist or otherwise - who had much to do with the oceans. So I have often reflected that it is strange that I’ve been so strongly drawn to the seas from a young age. Nowadays I live and breathe them, seven days a week! Why am I so intrigued by the oceans and what do they mean to me? One answer is complexity. Continue reading →

Abbie Chapman: What does the ocean mean to me?

For me, the oceans will always be synonymous with family days at the beach, watching our dog chase the retreating tide whilst building sand monsters as fragile as the dreams from which they were inspired.  The oceans also brings me calm, instilled by the sound of the waves gently lapping along the sparkling sands of faraway shores.  As I have grown older, what the ocean means to me has evolved, but its power to restore peace and to spark the imagination has never faltered. Continue reading →

Millie Watts: What does the ocean mean to me?

  Having written a similar post for the previous runs of the MOOC, I thought I would show a few photos of what the ocean means to me at the moment. My research group recently took part in some exciting fieldwork in Canada. I am part of the Sedimentology and Marine Geohazards research group, and we focus on studying the record left behind in marine sediments of natural disasters. Continue reading →

Kyle Mayers: What does the ocean mean to me?

As a biologist, to me the ocean means life. Not just the larger organisms we are all familiar with - whales, turtles, sharks - but the microscopic life, the ones which can only be seen with a microscope and drift around in the oceans, the plankton. This is beautifully illustrated with the image below from a single drop of seawater. One concentrated drop of seawater, showing the diversity of life which can be found in the oceans (credit: David Littschwager, littschwager. Continue reading →

Welcome to “Exploring our Oceans”.

  Welcome to "Exploring our Oceans"! Although we still have a few days before we get started on the course, this is a brief welcome to the MOOC, and a taste of some of the topics we have coming up over the next six weeks. This blog site will be home to your mentors and educators for the course, all of us PhD students and academics at NOC who will be guiding you through the material and sharing a little bit about our daily lives here at the National Oceanography Centre. Continue reading →