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Artefact of the Month: The Mail Chausses of Mølledalen, Buskerud

Fig. 1: Fragment of the left hose (adopted from Vike, 2000 :26). This month’s artefact are the fragments of a pair of mail chausses (leggings) brought into Oldsaksamlingen in Oslo in the 1800s (figs. 1 and 2). The chausses were brought in together with fragments of a mail gorget and a sleeve. All fragments share the same thickness and ring diameter and have therefore been assumed to be part of the same suit of armour. The context of the find itself remains unknown. Fig. Continue reading →

Funded PhD Studentship

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship in the Faculty of Humanities in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton. This studentship is funded through an SMMI Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Award, to start October 2015. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Helen Farr (Archaeology), Prof Robert Marsh (Ocean and Earth Science) and Dr Ivan Haigh (Ocean and Earth Science). Continue reading →

Funded PhD Studentship

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship in the Faculty of Humanities in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton. This studentship is funded through an SMMI Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Award, to start October 2015. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Helen Farr (Archaeology), Prof Robert Marsh (Ocean and Earth Science) and Dr Ivan Haigh (Ocean and Earth Science). Continue reading →

Funded PhD Studentship

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship in the Faculty of Humanities in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton. This studentship is funded through an SMMI Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Award, to start October 2015. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Helen Farr (Archaeology), Prof Robert Marsh (Ocean and Earth Science) and Dr Ivan Haigh (Ocean and Earth Science). Continue reading →

HMS Invincible dive

Thanks to Rodrigo, one of our new facilitators, for sharing this short video from last weekend's dive on Royal Navy's first HMS Invincible. The ship sank on Horse Tail Sand in the Eastern Solent in 1758. The bow of the site has been scoured out, revealing the gun deck and various artefacts. For more information about the site, please visit: http://www.maritimearchaeologytrust. Continue reading →

Nordic TAG 2015 Paper Abstracts: Conflict Archaeology and the Practice Approach

  We are happy to announce that there has been shown a great interest in our session at Nordic TAG 2015! We received a multitude of emails regarding the session and are flattered by the many enquiries and words of encouragement. Nine abstracts have been considered successful and we therefore have a full day of papers and discussions which we are very much looking forward to. Continue reading →

Nordic TAG 2015 Paper Abstracts: Conflict Archaeology and the Practice Approach

  We are happy to announce that there has been shown a great interest in our session at Nordic TAG 2015! We received a multitude of emails regarding the session and are flattered by the many enquiries and words of encouragement. Nine abstracts have been considered successful and we therefore have a full day of papers and discussions which we are very much looking forward to. Continue reading →