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Adriatic Without Borders

If you happen to be in Italy, why not pop along to the exhibition currently running at Castello di Udine?  The exhibition, Adriatico Senza Confini, showcases cultural contact around the Adriatic Sea between 6000-4000 BC and  includes work by Helen Farr on navigation and seafaring. It will be running until the 22 February 2015, see exhibition page above, or take a look at their facebook page. Continue reading →

Adriatic Without Borders

If you happen to be in Italy, why not pop along to the exhibition currently running at Castello di Udine?  The exhibition, Adriatico Senza Confini, showcases cultural contact around the Adriatic Sea between 6000-4000 BC and  includes work by Helen Farr on navigation and seafaring. It will be running until the 22 February 2015, see exhibition page above, or take a look at their facebook page. Continue reading →

Discussion about ethics in relation to Maritime Archaeology

On Thursday 30th October 2014, the Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds team took part in a Google Hangout on ethics and Maritime Archaeology. This video recording of the hangout features subtitles, and a downloadable transcript is available: Google Hangout on ethics transcript Transcript of discussion on ethics and maritime archaeology Fraser: OK, hello, potentially lots or few people – we really don’t know who is out there. Continue reading →

The Sea and Me: Public Event 22nd Nov

Saturday 22nd November 10am – 5pm Free This event will bring together researchers, local cultural institutions, and the wider public for a series of talks, workshops, and hands-on activities around the theme of The Sea. We’ll be considering everything from pirates to shipwrecks to sound and the sea. As a port city, Southampton has a long history of interaction with the sea and the industries surrounding it. Continue reading →

The Sea and Me: Public Event 22nd Nov

Saturday 22nd November 10am – 5pm Free This event will bring together researchers, local cultural institutions, and the wider public for a series of talks, workshops, and hands-on activities around the theme of The Sea. We’ll be considering everything from pirates to shipwrecks to sound and the sea. As a port city, Southampton has a long history of interaction with the sea and the industries surrounding it. Continue reading →

The Sea and Me: Public Event 22nd Nov

Saturday 22nd November 10am – 5pm Free This event will bring together researchers, local cultural institutions, and the wider public for a series of talks, workshops, and hands-on activities around the theme of The Sea. We’ll be considering everything from pirates to shipwrecks to sound and the sea. As a port city, Southampton has a long history of interaction with the sea and the industries surrounding it. Continue reading →

Life of a core sample

Core samples can be gathered from all over the world. Here, core samples are being taken from an intertidal site at Somerset. They can be removed from the ground using a variety of techniques; either hand powered or mechanical in nature. We can take them from dry land, inter-tidal and underwater contexts. Once removed from the site they are taken to the BOSCORF (British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility) Core store at the National Oceanographic Centre in Southampton. Continue reading →