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SS City of Medicine Hat

In this short video, Dani explains why SS City of Medicine Hat is her favourite shipwreck. Check out her blog entry on other shipwrecks from her home province. Transcript Hello! My name is Dani. I'm a student at the University of Southampton and I'm a facilitator on the course. My favourite shipwreck is the SS City of Medicine Hat. It was found in a city called Saskatoon, which is in central Canada - that makes it about three days' drive from the nearest ocean. Continue reading →

Shipwreck: Empress of Ireland

Built by the Fairfield Shipping Company of Scotland and launched in 1906, The Empress of Ireland and her sister ship, the Empress of Britain were steam liners built for the transatlantic trade. At 14,000 tonnes in weight and with a length of 550ft (167m), the liners would routinely make the trip from Liverpool to Quebec in six days at a speed of 20 knots. Each ship was designed with watertight doors so that it would float if any two compartments flooded. Continue reading →