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TrafficGenerator Struct Reference

Module to define traffic generator. More...

#include <TG.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrafficGenerator:

ipcore sc_module BurstyTraffic CBRTraffic TraceTraffic List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SC_CTOR (TrafficGenerator)
virtual double next_interval ()=0
 returns inter packet interval, defined in derived module
void send ()
 generate traffic according to traffic config file
void recv ()
 recieve flits
sc_time_unit strToTime (string)
 convert time unit from string representation to systemC representation
 SC_CTOR (ipcore)
void entry ()
 process to keep track of simulation count in the module, sensitive to clock
void setID (UI tileID)
flitcreate_hdt_flit (int pkt_id, int flit_id, UI route_info)
 create a hdt flit with given packet id, flit id and destination
flitcreate_head_flit (int pkt_id, int flit_id, UI route_info)
 create a head flit with given packet id, flit id and destination
flitcreate_data_flit (int pkt_id, int flit_id)
 create a data flit with given packet id and flit id
flitcreate_tail_flit (int pkt_id, int flit_id)
 create a tail flit with given packet id and flit id
void set_cmd (flit *, int cmd_value)
 sets command field of flit equal to given value
void set_data (flit *, int data_int_value)
 sets integer data field of flit equal to given value
void set_data (flit *, string data_string_value)
 sets string data field of flit equal to given value
void set_payload (flit *, int cmd_value, int data_int_value)
 sets command field and integer data field of flit equal to given values
void set_payload (flit *, int cmd_value, string data_string_value)
 sets command field and string data field of flit equal to given values
void get_cmd (flit, int &cmd_value)
 return command field of flit in second parameter
void get_data (flit, int &data_int_value)
 return integer data field of flit in second parameter
void get_data (flit, string &data_string_value)
 return string data field of flit in second parameter
void get_payload (flit, int &cmd_value, int &data_int_value)
 return command field and integer data field of flit in second and third parameter respectively
void get_payload (flit, int &cmd_value, string &data_string_value)
 return command field and string data field of flit in second and third parameter respectively
int get_random_dest ()
 return a randomly chosen destination

Public Attributes

int num_flits
 Number of flits per packet.
int flit_interval
 Inter-flit interval (in clock cycles).
int route_info
 destination address or routing code (for source routing)
int next_pkt_time
 inter packet interval (in clock cycles)
int cycles_per_flit
 number of cycles required for processing one flit
sc_in_clk clock
 input clock port
sc_in< flitflit_inport
 input data/flit port
sc_out< flitflit_outport
 ouput data/flit port
sc_in< creditLinecredit_in [NUM_VCS]
 input ports to recieve credit info (buffer status)
UI tileID
 unique tile id
ULL sim_count
 number of clock cycles
RNG * ran_var
 random variable

Detailed Description

Module to define traffic generator.

Member Function Documentation

flit * ipcore::create_data_flit int  pkt_id,
int  flit_id

create a data flit with given packet id and flit id

Method to create a data flit Parameters:

  • packet id
  • flit id returns pointer to new flit

flit * ipcore::create_hdt_flit int  pkt_id,
int  flit_id,
UI  route_info

create a hdt flit with given packet id, flit id and destination

Method to create a hdt flit hdt flit represents a packet consisting of single flit. Parameters:

  • packet id
  • flit id
  • route info
    • destination tileID for XY and OE routing
    • route code fro source routing
returns pointer to new flit

flit * ipcore::create_head_flit int  pkt_id,
int  flit_id,
UI  route_info

create a head flit with given packet id, flit id and destination

Method to create a head flit Parameters:

  • packet id
  • flit id
  • route info
    • destination tileID for XY and OE routing
    • route code fro source routing
returns pointer to new flit

flit * ipcore::create_tail_flit int  pkt_id,
int  flit_id

create a tail flit with given packet id and flit id

Method to create a tail flit Parameters:

  • packet id
  • flit id returns pointer to new flit

void ipcore::entry  )  [inherited]

process to keep track of simulation count in the module, sensitive to clock

Process sensitive to clock Keeps track of clock cycles in the module

void ipcore::get_cmd flit  inflit,
int &  cmd_value

return command field of flit in second parameter

Method to return command field of a flit Parameters:

  • flit
  • integer variable in which command value is returned

void ipcore::get_data flit  inflit,
string &  data_string_value

return string data field of flit in second parameter

Method to return string data field of a flit Parameters:

  • flit
  • string variable in which string data value is returned

void ipcore::get_data flit  inflit,
int &  data_int_value

return integer data field of flit in second parameter

Method to return integer data field of a flit Parameters:

  • flit
  • integer variable in which integer data value is returned

void ipcore::get_payload flit  inflit,
int &  cmd_value,
string &  data_string_value

return command field and string data field of flit in second and third parameter respectively

Method to return both command field and string data field of a flit Parameters:

  • flit
  • integer variable in which command value is returned
  • string variable in which string data value is returned

void ipcore::get_payload flit  inflit,
int &  cmd_value,
int &  data_int_value

return command field and integer data field of flit in second and third parameter respectively

Method to return both command field and integer data field of a flit Parameters:

  • flit
  • integer variable in which command value is returned
  • integer variable in which integer data value is returned

int ipcore::get_random_dest  )  [inherited]

return a randomly chosen destination

Method to return a random destination

virtual double TrafficGenerator::next_interval  )  [pure virtual]

returns inter packet interval, defined in derived module

Implemented in BurstyTraffic, CBRTraffic, and TraceTraffic.

void TrafficGenerator::recv  )  [virtual]

recieve flits

Thread sensitive to clock and inport event

  • inherited from ipcore
  • recieve incoming flits
  • assign arrival timestamps

Implements ipcore.

ipcore::SC_CTOR ipcore   )  [inherited]


TrafficGenerator::SC_CTOR TrafficGenerator   ) 


void TrafficGenerator::send  )  [virtual]

generate traffic according to traffic config file

Thread sensitive to clock

  • inherited from ipcore
  • send flits as per traffic configuration

Implements ipcore.

void ipcore::set_cmd flit inflit,
int  cmd_value

sets command field of flit equal to given value

Method to assign value to command field of a flit Parameters:

  • pointer to flit
  • integer representing command

void ipcore::set_data flit inflit,
string  data_string_value

sets string data field of flit equal to given value

Method to assign value to string data field of a flit Parameters:

  • pointer to flit
  • string data

void ipcore::set_data flit inflit,
int  data_int_value

sets integer data field of flit equal to given value

Method to assign value to integer data field of a flit Parameters:

  • pointer to flit
  • integer data

void ipcore::set_payload flit inflit,
int  cmd_value,
string  data_string_value

sets command field and string data field of flit equal to given values

Method to assign value to both command and string data field of a flit Parameters:

  • pointer to flit
  • integer representing command
  • string data

void ipcore::set_payload flit inflit,
int  cmd_value,
int  data_int_value

sets command field and integer data field of flit equal to given values

Method to assign value to both command and integer data field of a flit Parameters:

  • pointer to flit
  • integer representing command
  • integer data

void ipcore::setID UI  tileID  )  [inherited]

sets tileID

sc_time_unit TrafficGenerator::strToTime string  unit  ) 

convert time unit from string representation to systemC representation

Method to convert time unit from string representation to systemC representation

Member Data Documentation

sc_in_clk ipcore::clock [inherited]

input clock port

sc_in<creditLine> ipcore::credit_in[NUM_VCS] [inherited]

input ports to recieve credit info (buffer status)

int TrafficGenerator::cycles_per_flit

number of cycles required for processing one flit

sc_in<flit> ipcore::flit_inport [inherited]

input data/flit port

int TrafficGenerator::flit_interval

Inter-flit interval (in clock cycles).

sc_out<flit> ipcore::flit_outport [inherited]

ouput data/flit port

int TrafficGenerator::next_pkt_time

inter packet interval (in clock cycles)

int TrafficGenerator::num_flits

Number of flits per packet.

RNG* ipcore::ran_var [inherited]

random variable

int TrafficGenerator::route_info

destination address or routing code (for source routing)

ULL ipcore::sim_count [inherited]

number of clock cycles

UI ipcore::tileID [inherited]

unique tile id

Generated on Mon May 7 19:03:19 2007 for NIRGAM by  doxygen