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The Open Citation Project - Reference Linking for Open Archives
Evaluation | V1.0 demo evaluation

V 1.0 demo: evaluation by the OpCit steering group: results


17 mails out; 13 sites
7 responses
Period of evaluation: 19 July to 4 August 2000
Date of this report: 21 August 2000

Summary of author results and main findings.


(Mark selected answers with X where appropriate; you are welcome to elaborate)

How effective is this as a demonstration of reference linking?
Very xxx 3
Moderately xxxx 4
Hardly 0
Not 0

What features need to be improved?

What features would you like to see added ? (rank from 1 highest)
Inclusion of other linking services 8 points
Links to databases of secondary content 8 pts
Links to online journals 24 pts
Links to other archives 11 pts
Links to services/holdings in your institutional library 11 pts
Other (specify) How can the work of the project feed into your work? How would you like to see your work feed into the project? Comments/suggestions
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