- Paper Nov 21-23, 2005 Preservation for Institutional Repositories: practical and invisible. Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical data (PV 2005), Edinburgh, UK
A broad view of preservation issues for IRs - based on practice, experience and visions for the future.
- Poster Sep 29-30, 2005 PRESERV: Investigating and developing infrastructural digital preservation services for institutional repositories (PPT slide). 1st International Digital Curation Conference, Bath, UK
Broad overview of Preserv project: as at ECDL (below), with additional graphics.
- Presentation Sep 28, 2005 Preservation for IRs (PPT slides). EPrints training course, Southampton, UK
Brief overview of digital preservation issues for IR administrators and support staff.
- Poster Sep 18-23, 2005 Digital preservation for Institutional Repositories: building on a collaborative approach (PPT slide). 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2005), Vienna, Austria
Broad overview of Preserv project: background, issues, activities.
- Poster Jul 7-8, 2005 Enabling Long-term Open Access to Materials in Institutional Repositories (IRs) (PDF or PPT slide). JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Cambridge, UK
Broad overview of Preserv project: outputs, outcomes and benefits.
- Presentation Jul 6, 2005 Capturing preservation metadata from institutional repositories (PPT slides). DCC Workshop on the Long-term Curation within Digital Repositories, Cambridge, UK
Builds a graphical picture of Preserv and distributed preservation services for IRs, then asks how this model fits with two key preservation references, the OAIS model and PREMIS initiative on preservation metadata.
- Presentation Mar 7, 2005 PRESERV: PReservation Eprint SERVices (PPT slides). JISC 4/04 Preservation Programme Meeting, London, UK (slides prepared for meeting but not used)
Even shorter than the introduction below; best for quick overview.