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Project Publications


  1. Vikas Deora, Arnaud Contes, Omer F. Rana, Shrija Rajbhandari, Ian Wootten, Kifor Tamas, and Laszlo Z.Varga. Navigating Provenance Information for Distributed Healthcare Management. In IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence Conference, 2006.
  2. Tamás Kifor, László Varga, Sergio Álvarez, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, and Steven Willmott. Privacy Issues of Provenance in Electronic Healthcare Record Systems. In First International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Agent-based Collaborative Environments (PSACE2006), AAMAS 2006, 2006. [WWW ]
  3. Tamás Kifor, László Varga, Sergio Álvarez, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, Steven Willmott, Simon Miles, and Luc Moreau. Provenance in Agent-Mediated Healthcare Systems. In IEEE Intelligent Systems Special Issue on Intelligent Agents in Healthcare, 2006. IEEE.
  4. Guy K. Kloss and Andreas Schreiber. Provenance Implementation in a Scientific Simulation Environment. In Proceedings of the International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW), Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 2006. [WWW ]
  5. Shrija Rajbhandari, Arnaud Contes, Omer F.Rana, Vikas Deora, and Ian Wootten. Trust Assessment Using Provenance in Service Oriented Application. In First Int. Workshop on Service Intelligence and Service Science (SISS 2006), co-located with EDOC 2006 conference, 2006.
  6. Shrija Rajbhandari, Ian Wootten, Ali Shaikh Ali, and Omer F. Rana. Evaluating Provenance-based Trust for Scientific Workflows. In CCGrid06, 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press.
  7. Ian Wootten, Shrija Rajbhandari, Omer Rana, and Jaspreet Pahwa. Actor Provenance Capture with Ganglia. In CCGrid06, 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]
  8. Ian Wootten, Omer Rana, and Shrija Rajbhandari. Recording actor state in scientific workflows. In Proceedings of the International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW), 2006. [WWW ]
  9. Sergio Álvarez, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, Tamás Kifor, László Varga, and Steven Willmott. Applying Provenance in Distributed Organ Transplant Management. In International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW'06), 2006. [WWW ]
  10. Paul Groth, Sheng Jiang, Simon Miles, Steve Munroe, Victor Tan, Sofia Tsasakou, and Luc Moreau. An Architecture for Provenance Systems --- Executive Summary. Technical report, University of Southampton, February 2006. [WWW ]
  11. Paul Groth, Sheng Jiang, Simon Miles, Steve Munroe, Victor Tan, Sofia Tsasakou, and Luc Moreau. D3.1.1: An Architecture for Provenance Systems. Technical report, University of Southampton, February 2006. [WWW ]
  12. Luc Moreau. Usage of `provenance’: A Tower of Babel. Towards a concept map --- Position paper for the Microsoft Life Cycle Seminar, Mountain View, July 10, 2006. Technical report, University of Southampton, June 2006. [WWW ]
  13. Luc Moreau and John Ibbotson. Standardisation of Provenance Systems in Service Oriented Architectures --- White Paper. Technical report, University of Southampton, 2006. [WWW ]
  14. Steve Munroe, Simon Miles, Victor Tan, Paul Groth, Sheng Jiang, Luc Moreau, and John Ibbotson, and Javier Vázquez-Salceda. PrIMe: A Methodology for Developing Provenance-Aware Applications. Technical report, University of Southampton, 2006. [WWW ]


  1. Liming Chen, Victor Tan, Fenglian Xu, Alexis Biller, Paul Groth, Simon Miles, John Ibbotson, Michael Luck, and Luc Moreau. A proof of concept: Provenance in a Service Oriented Architecture. In Proceedings of the Fourth All Hands Meeting (AHM), September 2005. [WWW ]
  2. Árpád Andics (ed.). D2.1.1: User Requirements Document. Technical report, MTA SZTAKI, February 2005. [WWW ]
  3. Árpád Andics (ed.). D2.2.1: Software Requirements Document. Technical report, MTA SZTAKI, February 2005. [WWW ]
  4. John Ibbotson, Paul Groth, and Simon Miles. D5.1.1: Scalability Requirements. Technical report, IBM Hursley, September 2005. [WWW ]
  5. John Ibbotson, Neil Hardman, and Victor Tan. D4.1.1: Security Requirements. Technical report, IBM Hursley, September 2005. [WWW ]
  6. Luc Moreau, Liming Chen, Paul Groth, John Ibbotson, Michael Luck, Simon Miles, Omer Rana, Victor Tan, Willmott, and Fenglian Xu. Logical architecture strawman for provenance systems. Technical report, University of Southampton, April 2005. [WWW ]
  7. Fenglian Xu, Alexis Biller, Liming Chen, Victor Tan, Paul Groth, Simon Miles, John Ibbotson, and Luc Moreau. A proof of Concept Design for Provenance. Technical report, University of Southampton, February 2005.

Public Presentations


  1. Vikas Deora. Demonstration of Visualisation Tools. at UK eScience All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, September 2006.
  2. Vikas Deora. Demonstration of Visualisation Tools. Presented at at Open Grid Forum at the Provenance Challenge event, Washington DC, September 2006.
  3. Vikas Deora. Portlet Development in eXo. at the Virtual Research Environments workshop on Developing and Deploying Tools and Services in the Emerging Portal Frameworks, January 2006.
  4. Paul Groth. Principles of High Quality Documentation for Provenance: A Philosophical Discussion, May 2006. [WWW ]
  5. Guy Kloos. Provenance Implementation in a Scientific Simulation Environment, May 2006. [WWW ]
  6. Simon Miles. Southampton Entry to the Provenance Challenge, October 2006. [WWW ]
  7. Luc Moreau. An Open Provenance Model for Scientific Workflows. Presentation at the HPC'06 Workshop (High Performance Computing and Grids), July 2006. [WWW ]
  8. Luc Moreau. Provenance: Progress Update. Presentation at CT1 Technical Collaboration Meeting, Heathrow 06, February 2006. [WWW ]
  9. Luc Moreau. Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science. University of Harvard, Institute of Innovative Computing talk and University of Chicago, Computation Institute talk, March 2006. [WWW ]
  10. Luc Moreau. Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science. University of Kent, Departmental Seminar, Canterbury, UK, February 2006. [WWW ]
  11. Luc Moreau. Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science. Talk at Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, CA, August 2006. [WWW ]
  12. Luc Moreau. Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science. IBM Watson talk, May 2006. [WWW ]
  13. Omer Rana. Distributed Scientific Workflows. Tutorial at IEEE CCGrid 2006 conference, Singapore, May 2006.
  14. Omer Rana. Importance of Provenance in Scientific Collaborations over Grids. Workshop on Trend, Technologies and Collaborative Opportunities in High Performance and Grid Computing, Bangkok, May 2006.
  15. Omer Rana. Provenance Support in SLAs. System Adaptation Workshop at Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2006.
  16. Omer Rana. `Center of Excellence model for Collaborative Problem Solving: A Case Study from Modelling/Optimisation for Engineering Design. Presented at GridAsia? 2006, Singapore, May 2006.
  17. Victor Tan. Security Issues in a SOA-based Provenance System, May 2006. [WWW ]
  18. Javier Vázquez-Salceda. Applying Provenance in Distributed Organ Transplant Management, May 2006. [WWW ]
  19. Javier Vázquez-Salceda. EU PROVENANCE project: an open provenance architecture for distributed applications. Paper presentation at ECAI, the Fourth Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, 2006. [WWW ]


  1. Simon Miles. A Proof of Concept: Provenance in a Service Oriented Architecture. Paper presentation at All Hands Meeting (AHM'05), Nottingham, UK, July 2005. [WWW ]
  2. Luc Moreau. Provenance-based reasoning in e-Science. Invited Talk at Automated Reasoning Workshop ARW'05, Edinburgh, UK, July 2005. [WWW ]
  3. Luc Moreau. Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science. Intelligence Agents Multimedia Group, University of Southampton, Group Seminar, Southampton, UK, December 2005. [WWW ]
  4. Luc Moreau. Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science. University of Birmingham, Departmental Seminar, Birmingham, UK, November 2005. [WWW ]
  5. Luc Moreau. Provenance: concepts, architecture and envisioned tools. Invited Talk at Grid@Work'05, Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 2005. [WWW ]

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I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
euprovenance.bib manage 20.3 K 31 Oct 2006 - 16:05 SteveMunroe  
preprototypeAHM05.ppt manage 369.5 K 19 Oct 2005 - 13:59 LucMoreau Presentation on Preprototype at AHM'05 by Simon Miles
gAtw05.ppt manage 6143.0 K 19 Oct 2005 - 14:01 LucMoreau Presentation at Grids at Work'05, by Luc Moreau
arw05.ppt manage 4655.5 K 19 Oct 2005 - 14:04 LucMoreau Presentation at Automated Reasoning Workshop (ARW'05)
D221-SoftwareRequirementsDocument-WP2-Input-final1.pdf manage 325.0 K 24 Jan 2006 - 09:41 LucMoreau D2.2.1
GRID_PROVENANCE-GEN-M3-SecuritySpec-D411-Input-Final1.pdf manage 579.7 K 24 Jan 2006 - 09:46 LucMoreau D4.1.1
GRID_PROVENANCE-GEN-M3-ScalabilitySpec-D511-Input-Final1.pdf manage 316.7 K 24 Jan 2006 - 09:48 LucMoreau D5.1.1
GRID_PROVENANCE-STD-M3-UserRequirementsDocument-WP2-Input-final1.pdf manage 799.7 K 24 Jan 2006 - 09:51 LucMoreau D2.1.1
provenancetalk.bib manage 8.9 K 31 Oct 2006 - 11:12 SteveMunroe  
heathrow06.ppt manage 2610.5 K 02 Feb 2006 - 12:38 LucMoreau progress update (feb 1, 2006)
harvard06.ppt manage 8146.0 K 07 Mar 2006 - 12:39 LucMoreau Harvard and Chicago seminar
hpc06.ppt manage 7721.0 K 05 Jul 2006 - 07:26 LucMoreau hpc'06 talk
IPAW-06-DLR.pdf manage 334.7 K 28 Sep 2006 - 12:16 SteveMunroe  
EHCR-Prov-Privacy.pdf manage 224.3 K 28 Sep 2006 - 12:24 SteveMunroe  
IPAW-OTM-EHCR.pdf manage 251.9 K 28 Sep 2006 - 12:24 SteveMunroe  
ECAIws-PROVENANCE.ppt manage 4055.5 K 28 Sep 2006 - 12:39 SteveMunroe  
IBM06.ppt manage 8593.0 K 30 Oct 2006 - 21:05 LucMoreau IBM Watson talk (May 06)
isi06.ppt manage 8838.5 K 30 Oct 2006 - 21:09 LucMoreau ISI talk
wootten-ActorProvGanglia-CCGRID06.pdf manage 446.9 K 31 Oct 2006 - 12:47 SteveMunroe  
wootten-actorstate-IPAW06.pdf manage 155.0 K 31 Oct 2006 - 12:48 SteveMunroe  

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