Meeting June 07 2005
Use cases of Registry
We discussed some usage of the registry from VDS viewpoint.
Integration between Grimoires and VDS
- How VDS and Grimoires can integrate (SOCA component interoperability goal)
- How improve VDS with Grimoires and services (VDS inhancement goal)
- VDL transformations is abstract and can be linked transparently
Use case 1: Discovery. Mike using command line interface to query Grimoires.
- List services
- list services by names
- find generic description
- what the arguments are,
- what the types ares,
- what do we need to feed the service to call it
Use case 2: Publishing. Mike to publish a VDL transformation (like insert_vdc, update_vdc)
- Soton to produce command line scripts to support use cases
- Mike to provide details about PTC (Provenance Tracking Catalog) schema
* Can we do schema comparison between provenance and PTC?
Next meetings
- June 22nd, 3.30pm BST, 9.30CET, to be confirmed
- To discuss Grimoires use cases
- June 29th 3.30pm BST, 9.30CET, to be confirmed
- To discuss Provenance (VDT experiment)
Chicago Meeting Agenda
- July 20 till July 22
- Social event on July 22
- grimoires usage and vds interoperability
- vds discussion, use of vds
- pursuing xdtm
- provenance store and vds interoperability
LucMoreau - 07 Jun 2005
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