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Face to Face Meeting, Chicago, July 20-22


  1. Registry
    • Using the registry
    • Integration with Globus and VDT
  2. XDTM and VDT
  3. Provenance

Detailed Agenda: Wednesday 20/7

  • Grimoires and VDS
    • Demo of registry
    • Publication of services and applications
    • Publication of transformations
    • ISI catalog
    • Defining a common adapter interface

Detailed Agenda: Thursday 21/7

  • Grimoires and VDS
    • Roadmap
  • Provenance
    • PASOA/Eu Provenance provenance architecture
    • The ICE experiment and use of VDT
  • Finalisation of sigmod paper

Detailed Agenda: Friday 22/7

  • Provenance roadmap
  • Breakout with Jim to share progress on provenance
  • Grimoires and Globus
  • DFDL vs XDTM
  • Meeting, work and publication Planning


The meeting will take place at the Universith of Chicago, in the Research Institutes building, Room 405, 5650 South Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 (57th and Ellis, NW corner).


We went through the readme of the Grimoires Shell and ran it in parallel. The shell interacts with the Grimoires registry located:

We discussed the encoding of metadata in Grimoires. A not-fully-uptodate description can be found from the following paper

We identified several levels of integration between Grimoires and VDC:

  1. Take a VDL workflow, catalog its transformations in Grimoires, reconstruct the file from Grimoires
  2. Take a VDL workflow, catalog its transformations in Grimoires, build A TC API interface instance to call Grimoires directly
    • Requires us to map TC schema to Grimoires Schema
  3. Perform the same but for workflows that invoke services, using Yong's command line script to invoke a Web Service
  4. Do the same with an workflow invoking applications and web services

We looked at the TC Schema (expressed as SQL relations). For a transformation, we have:

  • id is primary key
  • namespace, name, version form a secondary key
  • resourceid: site handle
  • pfn: application path (physical name on a site)
  • type: enumeration of some values (e.g., installed boolean, instalationl script, ...
  • archid: foreign key to other table containing: operating system name, os version, glibc version, cpu architecture to determine binary compatibility
  • lfnid, pfnid: mapping between logical and physical representation
  • pfnprofile: information used to setup environment variables and specific dagman/globus configurations when running a specific transformation (env profile, globus profile, condor profile, dagman profile, vds profile, hints selector, selector profile)

Through the portal, Yong presented the "shim" capable of making web service invocations for VDL transformations.


Mike, Luc and Yong discussed Luc's comments on the sigmod record paper.

Discussion about the roles of registry, provenance, vdc

Transformation: a procedure. Derivation: procedure call.



  1. In the fmRI application, identify AIRsuite transformations (8 atomic, 2 workflows)
  2. Publish their descriptions in Grimoires (description should include XDTM types)
  3. Produce some command line scripts that query Grimoires to discover transformations of a given functionality, taking some input types, producing some output types, etc
    • 15 Sept 05 , lead: Soton
  4. Write a command line tool that helps compose and edit compound transformations; planning support based on performance prediction; semantic type checking
    • write two typecheckers for a compound and for a workflow (exact matching of logical types or physical types)
    • 15 Oct 05 , lead: Chicago

Air type hierachy:

o   linear
o   non-linear
o      softmean

fmRI workflows and file:

  • schema mapping:
    schema mapping

Provenance roadmap

  • Bottom up
    • Identify the implicit information underpinning the VDL computation model that must be made explicit in some form of p-assertions, deadline: 15 September , lead: Soton interacting with Jens

  • Assess situation, deadline: 30 September , AG meeting to decide what use case to implement with what level of integration between systems.

levels of integration:

  • conceptual integration (i.e. just ideas)
  • schema level mapping, leading to
  • import from ptc to PReServ
  • interface level integration, leading to
  • shared software


    • Recording p-assertions
    • Generalize tool for submitting p-assertions to provenance catalog and/or PReServ

Grimoires and GT4 roadmap:

  • see ian's email
  • integration fest between GT4 and Grimoires (weijian and victor): security, aggregrator, descriptions as ws-resources(?)
  • use cases: for aggregator and descriptions as resources, deadline: 30 August, lead: Ian
  • use case for crypto assertions
  • to discuss XACML access control assertions



  • To produce an up to date spec, deadline: 30 August, lead Jim
  • Use DFDL approach to describe existing data sets, e.g., fmRI, DR2
  • Gap analysis
  • Review October Boston



  • 15 September: Produce some command line scripts that query Grimoires, lead: soton
  • 15 October: write two typecheckers for a compound transformation and for a workflow, lead: chicago
  • 01 September: Identify fmRI provenance use cases, lead: Chicago
  • 15 September, schema mapping exercise, lead: Soton interacting with Jens
  • 15 September: Identify queries over respective schemas to support use cases, lead: Chicago (for their data model) and Soton (for their data model)
  • 30 August: rdf schema for provenance, lead soton
  • 15 September: analysis of mapping of provenance schema to triple store, lead: NCSA
  • 30 September: AG: Assess situation
  • 30 Augusut: DFDL spec, lead: Jim

  • Soton, to find out about visa status of victor and Weijian, for grimoires/gt4 integration fest (sometimes in autumn)
  • Integration fest for provenance (to decide after AG)

  • Provenance workshop
    • Sollicit upto 6 pages position papers
    • PC selects papers for presentation at workshop
    • 20 minutes talk based on position paper
    • Publish papers on web
    • At workshop, decide if special issue on provenance is suitable, don't advertise it
    • Proposed date March, location: Chicago
    • Wednesday lunchtime till Friday lunchtime, March 8-10???
    • Name: IPAW
    • Maximum number of participants of about 50
    • Deadline for submission Dec 1 (no extension), feedback Dec 15th


-- LucMoreau - 15 Jul 2005

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I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
TC-UpdatedDB.pdf manage 10.5 K 21 Jul 2005 - 14:15 LucMoreau ER diagram for the TC database
fmridc.vdl manage 4.6 K 22 Jul 2005 - 13:17 LucMoreau fmri vdl workflow 1
rundg_test.vdl manage 33.2 K 22 Jul 2005 - 13:17 LucMoreau fmri vdl workflow 2 manage 5.2 K 22 Jul 2005 - 13:18 LucMoreau fmri file
provenance.png manage 10.6 K 22 Jul 2005 - 16:44 LucMoreau schema mapping
provenance.obj manage 14.8 K 22 Jul 2005 - 16:44 LucMoreau schema mapping
ptc_api.txt manage 5.4 K 22 Jul 2005 - 16:45 LucMoreau ptc_api

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