Teleconference on Nov 21
- Objectives for Victor and Weijian's visit
- Implementing transformation catalog interface through Grimoires
- GT4
- access control
- ws-notification
- registry instances
- wsrf interface for uddi
- performance testing of Grimoires in WSRF
- paper writing (hpdc deadline? 16 January)
- Actions:
- Weijian: to send wsrf compliant interfaces to Chicago team (The Grimoires WSRF interface)
- Yens: to send metadata catalog interface
- Rachana: to send aggreator interfaces
- draft a skeleton of paper for hpdc paper on grimoires & gt 4 integration
- Next meetings:
- Dec 06, 3pmGMT/09amCST: tutorial on provenance data model
- Dec 14, 4pmGMT/10amCST: discussion on data model
LucMoreau - 21 Nov 2005
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