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Minutes for Jan 2006 ANL Soca Meeting

WSRFizing Grimoires

  • XPath query performance in GT4 WS core
    • WS core does not index resource properties. Each time an XML dom tress is merged from RPs when doing XPath query.
    • Ways to improve the XPath query performance
      • Implement a new expression evaluator.
      • Implement a new operation provider.
    • MDS people has plan to improve the XPath query performance.
  • Integrating Grimoires with MDS
    • Use Grimoires as an information provider for MDS
      • Having WSRFized Grimoires, this is straight forward. MDS index service can be set up so that it will fetch Grimoires RPs representing service descriptions.
    • Use MDS as an information provider for Grimoires
      • Map MDS service descriptions to Grimoires data model.
  • Grimoires access control mechanism (to be filled by Victor)

Integrating Grimoires with VDS

  • Mapping atomic VDS transformations to Grimoires data model
    • transformation -> UDDI service
    • transformation signature -> WSDL (transformation arguments -> WSDL message parts)
    • information in transformation catelog (name, site, location, type enumeration (src/bin), OS arch, profile) -> UDDI binding template with metadata attached
    • metadata will be attached to UDDI service (transformation) and WSDL message part (transformation argument).

  • Mapping compound transformations to Grimoires data model
    • compound transformation -> UDDI service
    • DAG of compound transformation -> metadata attached to the above UDDI service
      • Link metadata? describes data flow from the source message part to the destination message part
      • We notice that the metadata structure will affect the query performance.
      • Possible queries against compound transformations:
        • who is the caller (who passes data to a transforamtion)?
        • who is the callee (who receives data from a transforamtion)?

  • A lot of discussed issues are in the email prepared by Victor.

  • Utility developping
    • A batch scirpt publishes UDDI business/service/WSDL/metadata, and discovers a WSDL message part by metadata. The script uses GShell commands in the batch mode.
    • A Java program generates WSDL based on the transformation signature on the fly.
    • In Grimoires service, attach metadata to metadata, find an entity by metadata where the entity is also a metadata.

  • Demo
    • Based on a text file that contains the information of a transformation (namespace, name, arguments with their types), a WSDL file describing the transformation signature is automatically generated.
    • For each transformation, a GShell script publishes the corresponding UDDI business/service, WSDL, metadata (e.g., the semantic type of a transformationa argument, or the quality of a transformation) to Grimoires.
    • The sample query in the paper "Virtual Data Grid Middleware Services for Data-Intensive Science"
Which TRs can process a subject image?
Q: xsearchvdc -q tr_meta dataType subject_image input
A: fMRIDC.AIR::align_warp
is equivalent to calling Grimoires operation
where the input metadata has the type/value pair
(dataType, subject_image)
and the output entity is a WSDL message part whose message name is
By the name convention, we know that this is the input message of transformation

Compound transformation demo

  • Example: compound transformation A call transformation B, A's input message part "raw" goes to B's input message part "raw".
  • Attach a metadata to A describing the "calling" information
(, B_Key)
  • Attach a metadata to A describing the data link information
(, link1)
  • Further attach metadata to the link metadata to specify the data link source and data link destination
(, http://ANS::AInput/raw)
(, http://BNS::BInput/raw)
  • Supported queries
    • Find all compound transformations that will call transformation T
    • Given a message part, where does it go to?
    • Given a message part, where does it come from?
    • Given a message part, in which compound tranformations does it appear?

  • a GShell script publishes compound transformation calling and data flow information.

-- WeijianFang - 10 Jan 2006
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