Grimoires Shell Readme
The Grimoires shell (the shell in this readme) is a simple command
line client for the Grimoires registry (the registry in this
readme). The shell provides a group of utilities for users to
publish/inquire business/service/wsdl/metadata.
How to compile and run
Use "GShell" as the current directory.
To compile, type on the command line:
To run on Windows, type on the command line:
To run on Unix/Linux, type on the command line:
chmod +x
The default registry's URL is set to
If you have deployed the registry on, e.g.,
http://hostname:8080/grimoires, you need to start the shell by
run http://hostname:8080/grimoires
NOTE: Although there is an ant target "run", please use "run.bat" or
"" for better usability.
User guide
After the shell is started, you will see a prompt sign ">".
Type "help", you will see a help message.
Type "ls", you will see all available commands. A command is a
utility that performs a single task on the registry.
Type "run command_name" to run a command.
Type "exit" to exit the shell.
You will see [$n] (n is an integer) in the output. It means the
printed variable is recorded in the shell and you may reuse them by
typing "$n".
A use scenario
In this scenario, we demonstrate how to publish/inquire a gcode
service owned by Univ. of Southampton, and how to annotate its input
message with some semantic type.
Publish a business
Publish a business called "Univ. of Southampton". A business is the
UDDI's terminology for an organization. You will get a business
key. On the screen, you will see:
>run PublishBusiness
==== Publish a business ====
Input the business name:
Univ. of Southampton
Input the business description:
Business key[$1]: ca5bdb5b-cf1c-4054-8626-65862727b9ff
A. the lines in bold font, e.g.,
run PublishBusiness
are typed by users.
B. $1 in "Business key[$1]" refers to a recorded variable. Later, $1
can be used to refer to the key "ca5bdb5b-cf1c-4054-8626-65862727b9ff".
Inquire a business
Inquire a business by name. On the screen, you will see:
>run InquireBusiness
==== Inquire a business ====
Input the business name:
Univ. of Southampton
Business key[$2]: ca5bdb5b-cf1c-4054-8626-65862727b9ff
Publish a service
Publish a service called "gcode". On the screen, you will see:
>run PublishService
==== Publish a service ====
Input the service name:
Input the service description:
group encoding
Input the business key:
Input the service access point:
Input the service WSDL URL:
Service key[$3]: 09017faa-0d2e-4bdd-aea3-6e76084504cf
A. The service access point is where the service is located.
B. The WSDL URL will be recorded in UDDI tModel, but a standard UDDI
registry will not register this WSDL file.
Inquire a service
Inquire a service by name. On the screen, you will see:
>run InquireService
==== List all services ====
Input the service name:
Service name: gcode
Service key: dc64b224-02cf-44cd-92aa-0037a44d4da1
Business key: 9f6d4816-dfa4-46df-b330-c4108b361d94
Access point in binding template:
Publish WSDL
Publish a WSDL file, whose URL is
On the screen, you will see:
>run PublishWSDL
==== Publish a WSDL file ====
Input the WSDL URL:
WSDL key[$4]: 35708376-4092-464c-b364-80459d81400f
NOTE: this is a Grimoires' extension to the UDDI specification.
Inquire WSDL
Inquire a WSDL by its registered key. On the screen, you will see:
>run InquireWSDL
==== Inquire a WSDL file ====
Input the WSDL Key:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions targetNamespace="http://test/gcode" xmlns:tns="http://test/gcode" x
mlns:xsd="" xmlns="
<message name="response">
<part name="recoded" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="request">
<part name="sample" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="groups" type="xsd:string"/>
<portType name="DefaultPort">
<operation name="DefaultOperation">
<input message="tns:request"/>
<output message="tns:response"/>
Publish metadata
Publish a piece of metadata to a message part of the gcode service to
describe its semantic type. On the screen, you will see:
>run PublishMetadata
==== Publish a metadata to a message part ====
Input the message namespace:
Input the message name:
Input the message part name:
The metadata type by default:
Input the metadata to describe the semantic type of the message part:
Metadata key[$5]: 32529811-d841-45c5-bf5b-892e2815966c
Inquire metadata
Inquire an entity that has the specified annotation. On the screen,
you will see:
>run InquireMetadata
==== Inquire a metadata ====
Input the metadata:
Found a message part with this metedata:
(, nucleotide_sequence)
Message namespace[$6]: http://test/gcode
Message name[$7]: request
Message part name[$8]: sample
WeijianFang - 22 Jun 2005
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