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See the articles on mobile phones in the bar and e-Malaria on the BBC News Web Site.
Semantic Datagrid paper accepted at 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing.
schraefel, m. c., Hughes, G., Mills, H., Smith, G., Payne, T. and Frey, J., Breaking the Book: Translating the Chemistry Lab Book into a Pervasive Computing Lab Environment. in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), (Vienna, Austria, 2004).
Borda, A., Careless, J., Dimitrova, M., Fraser, M., Frey, J., Hubbard, P., Goldstein, S., Pung, C., Shoebridge, M. and Wiseman, N., Report of the Working Group on Virtual Research Communities for the OST e-Infrastructure Steering Group. 2006.
Borkum, M., Lagoze, C., Coles, S. and Frey, J., oreChem: Planning and Enacting Chemsitry on the Semantic Web. in Microsoft e-Science, (Berkeley, 2010 (accepted)).
De Roure, D. and Goble, C., Anchors in Shifting Sand: the Primacy of Method in the Web of Data. 2010.
Frey, J. G., Blogs, logs and pods. 2008.