
Projects directly related to CombeChem

myExperiment (
myExperiment is a collaboration between ECS and the School of Chemistry at the University of Southampton and the School of Computer Science and the Bioinformatics group at the University of Manchester. myExperiment is a social networking environment for scientists that allows them to form relationships, build communities and share their data and expertise; facilitating re-use and repurposing of data to reduce time-to-experiment and avoid reinvention.
The myTea project is a year long collaboration between Smart Tea/CombeChem (University of Southampton) and myGrid (University of Manchester) eScience projects to develop an integrated experimental capture system for bioinformatitians.
Semantic Grid (
The Semantic Grid is an extension of the current Grid in which information and services are given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.
eBank UK brings together chemists, digital librarians and computer scientists in an interdisciplinary collaboration which explores the potential for integrating research datasets into digital libraries by using common technologies such as the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
Jointly funded by JISC and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, this project is offering school children the chance to fight malaria by asking to them to design a small polypeptide.
The Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid project aims to advance the state of the art in collaborative mediated spaces for distributed e-Science through the novel application of advanced knowledge technologies.
The aim of the project is to investigate and innovate at the intersection of the Semantic Grid and the physical world, by focusing on the capture, distribution and use of semantic annotation in the context of pervasive devices. It addresses important computer science challenges that have arisen in e-Science projects by focusing on the future forms of scientific record that may emerge from the use of a pervasive e-Science infrastructure.
Efficient designs for GLMs
International collaborative research is expanding in this area through an Australian Research Council Grant.
CombeChem Platform Grant
The Combechem research agenda continues through the EPSRC Platform Grant PLATFORM: End-to-End pipeline for chemical information: from the laboratory to literature and back again