The University of Southampton

Dr Kate Farrahi 

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Kate Farrahi is an assistant professor in at the University of Southampton working in the vision, learning and control VLC Group . The focus of her research is on machine learning, particularly deep learning, often applied to health-related applications. She is interested in developing machine learning techniques to address novel sensor-driven healthcare problems, including natural language processing and vision related applications such as medical imaging and contactless vitals measurements. Prior to joining Southampton, she was a research assistant at Idiap Research Institute. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).


Research interests

Machine learning for health, medical imaging, digital epidemics, contactless vitals measurements, wearable sensing


Farrahi, Katayoun (2011) A probabilistic approach to socio-geographic reality mining. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Doctoral Thesis, 138pp.

Milne, Antony, Nicolaou, Mihalis and Farrahi, Katayoun (2017) Discovering the typing behaviour of Parkinson's patients using topic models. Ciampaglia, G., Mashhadi, A. and Yasseri, T. (eds.) In Social Informatics: SocInfo 2017. vol. 10540, Springer. pp. 89-97 .

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2014) A probabilistic approach to mining mobile phone data sequences. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18 (1), 223-238. (doi:10.1007/s00779-013-0640-8).

Sami, Ishrat and Farrahi, Katayoun (2017) A simplified topological representation of text for local and global context. In MM '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Multimedia Conference. ACM. pp. 1451-1456 . (doi:10.1145/3123266.3123330).

Farrahi, Katayoun, Emonet, Remi and Cebrian, Manuel (2015) Predicting a community’s flu dynamics with mobile phone data. In CSCW '15 Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. ACM.. (doi:10.1145/2675133.2675237).

Farrahi, Katayoun, Emonet, Remi and Cebrian, Manuel (2014) Epidemic contact tracing via communication traces. PLoS ONE, 9 (5), [e95133]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095133).

Madan, Anmol, Cebrian, Manuel, Moturu, Sai, Farrahi, Katayoun and Pentland, Alex (Sandy) (2012) Sensing the 'Health State' of a community. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 11 (4), 36 - 45. (doi:10.1109/MPRV.2011.79).

Ferscha, Alois, Farrahi, Katayoun, van den Hoven, J., Hales, D., Nowak, A., Lukowicz, Paul and Helbing, Dirk (2012) Socio-inspired ICT. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 214 (1), 401-434. (doi:10.1140/epjst/e2012-01700-6).

Zia, Kashif, Farrahi, Katayoun, Riener, Andreas and Ferscha, Alois (2013) An agent-based parallel geo-simulation of urban mobility during city-scale evacuation. Simulation, 89 (10), 1184-1214. (doi:10.1177/0037549713485468).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2010) Probabilistic mining of socio-geographic routines from mobile phone data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 4 (4), 746 - 755. (doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2010.2049513).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2011) Discovering routines from large-scale human locations using probabilistic topic models. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2 (1), [3]. (doi:10.1145/1889681.1889684).

Farrahi, Katayoun, Schedl, Markus, Vall, Andreu, Hauger, David and Tkalcic, Marko (2014) Impact of listening behavior on music recommendation. In International Society for Music Information Retrieval. pp. 1-6 .

Schedl, Markus, Hauger, David, Farrahi, Katayoun and Tkalcic, Marko (2015) On the influence of user characteristics on music recommendation. Hanbury, A., Kazai, G., Rauber, A. and Fuhr, N. (eds.) In European Conference on Information Retrieval. Springer. pp. 339-345 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16354-3_37).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2012) Extracting mobile behavioral patterns with the distant N-Gram topic model. In 2012 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC). IEEE. 8 pp .

Farrahi, Katayoun, Emonet, Remi and Ferscha, Alois (2012) Socio-technical network analysis from wearable interactions. In 2012 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC). IEEE. 8 pp . (doi:10.1109/ISWC.2012.19).

Schedl, Markus, Vall, Andreu and Farrahi, Katayoun (2014) User geospatial context for music recommendation in microblogs. In SIGIR '14 Proceedings of the 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval: ACM Special Interest Group On Information Retrieval. ACM. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/2600428.2609491).

Alharbi, Fayez and Farrahi, Katayoun (2018) A convolutional neural network for smoking activity recognition. In 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom). IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/HealthCom.2018.8531148).

Milne, Antony, Farrahi, Katayoun and Nicolaou, Mihalis (2018) Less is more: Univariate modelling to detect early Parkinson’s disease from keystroke dynamics. In Discovery Science. Springer. pp. 435-446 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01771-2_28).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2008) What did you do today? Discovering daily routines from large-scale mobile data. In MM'08 - Proceedings of the 2008 ACM International Conference on Multimedia, with co-located Symposium and Workshops. ACM. pp. 849-852 . (doi:10.1145/1459359.1459503).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2008) Discovering human routines from cell phone data with topic models. In Proceedings - 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC 2008. IEEE. pp. 29-32 . (doi:10.1109/ISWC.2008.4911580).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2008) Daily routine classification from mobile phone data. Popescu-Belis, Andrei and Stiefelhagen, Rainer (eds.) In Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction - 5th International Workshop, MLMI 2008, Proceedings. vol. 5237 LNCS, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 173-184 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85853-9-16).

Madan, Anmol, Farrahi, Katayoun, Gatica-Perez, Daniel and Pentland, Alex (2011) Pervasive sensing to model political opinions in face-to-face networks. Lyons, K., Hightower, J. and Huang, E.M. (eds.) In Pervasive Computing - 9th International Conference, Pervasive 2011, Proceedings. vol. 6696 LNCS, Springer. pp. 214-231 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21726-5_14).

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2010) Mining human location-routines using a multi-level approach to topic modeling. In 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing. IEEE. pp. 446-451 . (doi:10.1109/SocialCom.2010.71).

Spathis, Dimitris, Servia-Rodriguez, Sandra, Farrahi, Katayoun, Mascolo, Cecilia and Rentfrow, Jason (2019) Sequence multi-task learning to forecast mental wellbeing from sparse self-reported data. Teredesai, Ankur and Kumar, Vipin (eds.) In KDD '19: Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. ACM. pp. 2886-2894 . (doi:10.1145/3292500.3330730).

Spathis, Dimitris, Servia-Rodriguez, Sandra, Farrahi, Katayoun, Mascolo, Cecilia and Rentfrow, Jason (2019) Passive mobile sensing and psychological traits for large scale mood prediction. In PervasiveHealth'19 Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. ACM. pp. 272-281 . (doi:10.1145/3329189.3329213).

Du, Xin, Farrahi, Katayoun and Niranjan, Mahesan (2019) Transfer learning across human activities using a cascade neural network architecture. In ISWC '19 Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers. ACM. pp. 35-44 . (doi:10.1145/3341163.3347730).

Stumpf, Patrick Simon, Du, Xin, Imanishi, Haruka, Kunisaki, Yuya, Semba, Yuichiro, Noble, Timothy, Smith, Rosanna, Rose-Zerilli, Matthew, West, Jonathan, Oreffo, Richard, Farrahi, Katayoun, Niranjan, Mahesan, Akashi, Koichi, Arai, Fumio and Macarthur, Benjamin (2020) Transfer learning efficiently maps bone marrow cell types from mouse to human using single-cell RNA sequencing. Communications Biology, 3 (1), [736]. (doi:10.1038/s42003-020-01463-6).

Du, Xin, Farrahi, Katayoun and Niranjan, Mahesan (2021) Information bottleneck theory based exploration of cascade learning. Entropy, 23 (10), [1360]. (doi:10.3390/e23101360).

Rusu, Andrei, Emonet, Rémi and Farrahi, Katayoun (2021) Modelling digital and manual contact tracing for COVID-19.: Are low uptakes and missed contacts deal-breakers? PLoS ONE, 16 (11), [0259969]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0259969).


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