The University of Southampton

Dr Mohammad Divband Soorati Dr.Eng., MSc, BSc

Personal homepage

I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at the University of Southampton.

I am also the principal investigator of the “Trustworthy human-swarm partnerships in extreme environments” agile project in UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous System Hub. During my Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Southampton, I worked with Prof. Sarvapali D. (Gopal) Ramchurn on human-machine teaming from 2019 to 2021, funded by UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous System Hub and Alan Turing Institute. I have a Doctorate of Engineering from the University of Luebeck in Germany. I worked on the adaptive self-assembly of robot swarms in an EU-project, florarobotica, supervised by Prof. Heiko Hamann. I have an MSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Paderborn in Germany and a BSc degree in Software Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology.

I am interested in human-swarm interaction, swarm robotics, trust in human-swarm teaming, aerial swarms, and evolutionary/ bio-robotics. My research has been covered by several international news outlets (including EuroNews, France24 and Deutsche Welle) and magazines (such as IEEE Spectrum, Robohub and Future Maisons).

I have co-supervised over 20 MSc & BSc students and I am on the program committee of many high impact conferences/journals in AI & robotics such as AAAI, ICRA, IJCAI, Swarm Intelligence Journal, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics Journal etc.


Research interests

1) Human-swarm Interaction: I am interested in developing trustworthy, risk-aware and easily operable swarms; 2) Swarm Robotics & Multi-Agent Systems: I work on swarms that can autonomously adapt to dynamic environments; 3) Evolutionary Robotics: Inspired by the Darwinian theory of evolution, evolutionary robotics emerged with great early success and is meanwhile struggling to scale to more complex tasks. I study how robots can be evolved to solve complex tasks. 4) Bio-Inspired Robotics: Can we get inspired and mimic nature to build autonomous systems? I would like to know how we can learn from organisms such as plants, slime moulds, and animals to build amazing algorithms and behaviours.


I teach:

  • MIND6003 Interdisciplinary Team Project
  • COMP1216 C/01 - Software Modelling & Design
  • COMP3200 Part III Individual Project


Naiseh, Mohammad, Clark, Jediah, Divband Soorati, Mohammad and Bossens, David , Sylvaine Tuncer (2021) Trusting machines? Cross-sector lessons from healthcare & security: conference report Southampton. University of Southampton 20pp. (doi:10.5258/SOTON/P0134).


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