The University of Southampton

Dr Manuel Leon Urrutia 

Manuel is a Lecturer of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, Head of Learning of Southampton Data Science Academy, and the Faculty of Phisical and Applied Sciences champion for Online Learning. Manuel is also PI for Southampton in two Erasmus+ projects, namely DEDALUS, focussed on Data Literacy, and BRIDGES, focussed on academics' digital competencies for online learning.


Davis, Hugh C., Dickens, Kate, Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Sanchz Vera, Maria del Mar and White, Su (2014) MOOCs for Universities and Learners An analysis of motivating factors. 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. 31 Mar - 02 Apr 2014.

White, Su, Davis, Hugh, Dickens, K.P., Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Sanchez Vera, Ma Mar (2015) MOOCs: What motivates the producers and participants? Zvacek, S, Restivo, M, Uhomoibhi, J and Helfert, M (eds.) In Computer Supported Education: CSEDU 2014. Springer. pp. 99-114 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25768-6_7).

Leon, Manuel, White, Steve and White, Su (2016) MOOCs in Higher Education magazines: A content analysis of internal stakeholder perspectives. Zvacek, Susan, Restivo, Maria Teresa, Uhomoibhi, James and Helfert, Markus (eds.) In Computer Supported Education. Springer. pp. 395-405 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29585-5_23).

Leon Urrutia, Manuel, White, Stephen, Dickens, Kate and White, Susan (2015) Mentoring at scale: MOOC mentor interventions towards a connected learning community. EMOOCs 2015 European MOOC Stakeholders Summit, Mons, Belgium. 17 - 19 May 2015. 4 pp .

Snchez-Vera, Maria del Mar, Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) Challenges in the creation, development and implementation of MOOCs: Web Science course at the University of Southampton. Comunicar, 22 (44), 37-43. (doi:10.3916/C44-2015-04).

Beeston, Gareth, Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Halcrow, Caroline, Liu, Lu, Wang, Jinchuan, Kim, Jinho Jay and Park, Kunwooaa (2014) Humour reactions in crisis: a proximal analysis of Chinese posts on Sina Weibo in reaction to the salt panicof March 2011. 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Web - Observatory Workshop: Building Web Observatories, , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 07 - 11 Apr 2014. pp. 1043-1048 . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2579209).

Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Dickens, Kate (2014) Preparing to ride giant waves: developing procedural decision-making processes to support massive online courses. Association of Learning Technologies Annual Conference 2014: Riding Giants, Warwick, United Kingdom. 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2014.

Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Yousef, Ahmad Mohammed Fahmy and White, Su (2015) Learning from MOOCs: the role of mentor qualities. Web Science Education Workshop @ Web Science Conference 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom. 2 pp .

White, Steven, Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Borthwick, Kate and White, Su (2015) Massive Open Online Course mentoring for a connected community of practice of Language teachers. eLearning Papers, 45, 43-48.

Urrutia, M. and White, Steven (2015) Emergent roles of online mentors in MOOCs. Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning, Ischia, Italy.

Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Cobos, Ruth, Dickens, Kate, White, Su and Davis, Hugh (2016) Visualising the MOOC experience: a dynamic MOOC dashboard built through institutional collaboration. EMOOCs 2016, , Graz, Austria. 22 - 24 Feb 2016. pp. 1-8 .

Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Wilde, Adriana, White, Su, Earl, Graeme and Harris, Lisa (2016) Cross-institutional MOOC data analysis and visualisation: a call for collaboration. FutureLearn Academic Network, , Glasgow, United Kingdom. 06 Jun 2016. 27 pp .

Wilde, Adriana, Ballesteros Mesa, Miguel and Leon Urrutia, Manuel (2016) Hacia un marco de anlisis del aprendizaje en cursos en lnea Masivos y Abiertos: informando al proveedor. In, Roig-Vila, Rosabel (ed.) EDUcacin y TECnologa. Propuestas desde la investigacin y la innovacin educativa. Barcelona, ES. Octaedro, pp. 276-277.

Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Fielding, Sarah and White, Su (2016) Professional development through MOOCs in higher education institutions: challenges and opportunities for Phd students working as mentors. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1, 1-11. (doi:10.5334/jime.427).

Wilde, Adriana, Leon Urrutia, Manuel and White, Su (2016) Tracking collective learner footprints: aggregate analysis of MOOC learner demographics and activity. Gmez Chova, L, Lpez Martnez, A and Candel Torres, I (eds.) In ICERI2016 Proceedings (browse). IATED Academy. pp. 1404-1413 . (doi:10.21125/iceri.2016.1319).

Wilde, Adriana, Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Borthwick, Kate (2017) Understanding language: understanding MOOC learners. Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando, Beaven, Tita and Fuertes-Gutierrez, Mara (eds.) In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference in the Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University.

Fair, Nicholas, Sebastian Russell, Harris, Lisa and Leon Urrutia, Manuel (2017) Enhancing the student experience: integrating MOOCs into campus based modules. ICEM 2017: International Council for Education and Media, University Federico II, Naples, Italy. 20 - 22 Sep 2017. 26 pp .

Len-Urrutia, Manuel, Cobos, Ruth and Dickens, Kate (2018) MOOCs and their influence on higher education institutions: Perspectives from the insiders. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 7 (1), 40-45. (doi:10.7821/naer.2018.1.252).

Eradze, Maka, Len Urrutia, Manuel, Reda, Valentina and Kerr, Ruth (2019) Blended learning with MOOCs: From investment effort to success: a systematic literature review on empirical evidence. Delgado Kloos, Carlos, Wirsing, Martin, Calise, Mauro, Reich, Justin and Ruiperez-Valiente, Jose A. (eds.) In Digital Education: At the MOOC Crossroads Where the Interests of Academia and Business Converge - 6th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOCs 2019, Proceedings. vol. 11475 LNCS, Springer Verlag. pp. 53-58 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19875-6_7).

Vzquez Cano, Esteban, Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Parra Gonzlez, Mara Elena and Lpez Meneses, Eloy (2020) Analysis of interpersonal competences in the use of ICT in the Spanish university context. Sustainability, 12 (2), 1-12, [476]. (doi:10.3390/su12020476).

Leon Urrutia, Manuel (2019) MOOCs and competencies for Higher Education transformation: An activity theory analysis. University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis, 312pp.

Len-Urrutia, Manuel and Wilde, Adriana (2017) Development of a MOOC dashboard. 11th UK Learning Analytics Network meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 05 Sep 2017.

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