The University of Southampton

Peng Dai 


Huang, Ruomeng, Dai, Peng, De Groot, Kees, Muskens, Otto and Duan, Huigao (2021) Dataset for Accurate Inverse Design of Fabry–Pérot-Cavity-Based Color Filters far beyond sRGB via a Bidirectional Artificial Neural Network. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1686 [Dataset]

Dai, Peng, Huang, Ruomeng, De Groot, Kees, Muskens, Otto, Wang, Yasi and Duan, Huigao (2021) Accurate inverse design of Fabry–Perot-cavity-based color filters far beyond sRGB via a bidirectional artificial neural network. Photonics Research, 9 (5), B236-B246. (doi:10.1364/PRJ.415141).

Zhu, Yuxiao, Newbrook, Daniel, William, Dai, Peng, De Groot, Kees and Huang, Ruomeng (2021) Artificial neural network enabled accurate geometrical design and optimisation of thermoelectric generator. Applied Energy - Elsevier, 305, [117800]. (doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117800).

Dai, Peng, Sun, Kai, Yan, Xingzhao, Muskens, Otto, De Groot, Kees, Zhu, Xupeng, Hu, Yueqiang, Duan, Huigao and Huang, Ruomeng (2022) Inverse design of structural color: Finding multiple solutions via conditional generative adversarial networks. Nanophotonics. (doi:10.1515/nanoph-2022-0095).


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