The University of Southampton


Chen, Shangcheng, Freeman, Christopher and Chu, Bing (2018) Gradient-based iterative learning control for decentralised collaborative tracking. In 2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018. IEEE. pp. 721-726 . (doi:10.23919/ECC.2018.8550177).

Chen, Shangcheng and Freeman, Christopher (2019) Decentralised collaborative iterative learning control for MIMO multi-agent systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference. pp. 3352-3357 .

Chen, Shangcheng and Freeman, Christopher (2019) Decentralised collaborative and formation iterative learning control for multi-agent systems. In 2020 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE. 6 pp .

Chen, Shangcheng and Freeman, Christopher (2020) A decentralised iterative learning control framework for collaborative tracking. Mechatronics, 72, [102465]. (doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102465).

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