The University of Southampton

CyShadowWatch - Automated Multilingual Information Extraction for Online Cybercrime Sites

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Translation, Machine Learning, Cybercrime
Dstl (ACC2005442)

Combining machine translation (MT) and information extraction (IE) has the potential to be a force multiplier, increasing by orders of magnitude the number of transnational online cybercrime posts individual Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) can effectively monitor. Currently MT + IE is error prone. We will deliver an innovative TRL4 natural language processing algorithm which can learn to discount MT + IE errors, delivering high quality intelligence summaries from extracted information. We will evaluate its ability to take Russian cybercrime posts and automatically generate English intelligence reports. The proposal team combines world-class information extraction and criminology expertise to deliver excellence.

Primary investigator

Secondary investigators

  • Anita Lavorgna
  • Ruth McAlister


  • DSTL
  • National Crime Agency

Associated research group

  • Agents, Interaction and Complexity
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