The University of Southampton


early functional doingPad prototype showing michael and emax
Human Computer Interaction, Semantic Web, Interaction, Web Science
EPSRC, Royal Academy of Engineering

>Introducing doingPad

The doingPad project (doing is pronounced "doyng") is about looking at ways to better capture (and then find again) all the little bits (and bigger bits) of information that inform our lives - the phone number quickly scribbled down on a post-it, the time of a movie, the address of that web site and the big idea we had while talking with that person we only just met.

Getting these thoughts into a laptop is often a challenge: the percieved cost of entry - openning up a file, typing in text, naming the file, saving it, then remembering where it is - is usually too high to make the capture worth while. Then try to find the file later - perhaps months later. What was it called? what was it about?

DoingPad is reconsidering:

  • the way we enter information into the computer to begin with
  • what information can be associated with the info automatically (where was i? what was i doing? who was i with? what is this likely about?)
  • how this new interaction and association can facilitate rediscovering that information

The Collaboration

This project is the first collaborative research work that is part of the Web Science Research Initiative between MIT and the University of Southampton.


Initial support for the project has also been provided by the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) and the EPSRC (UK).

Primary investigators


  • Web Science Reseasrch Initiative
  • MIT

Associated research group

  • Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
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