Grants an array of users or user groups permission to access some data (file, variable or datagroup).
success = gd_addusers(ID,users)
success = gd_addusers(datagroupID,users)
success = gd_addusers(ID,groups,'groups')
success = gd_addusers(datagroupID,groups,'groups')
success = gd_addusers(ID,users) grants other users permission to query or retrieve a file or variable, specified by its ID. A userID for each user should be provided in the users cell array. Alternatively a single user can be specified as a string.
success = gd_addusers(datagroupID,users) is similar but grants other users permission to query a datagroup, specified by its ID.
success = gd_addusers(ID,groups,'groups') grants a group of users permission to query or retrieve a file or variable, specified by its ID. A groupID for each user group should be provided in the groups cell array. Alternatively a single group can be specified as a string. Every registered user is a member of the built in group 'allusers' and other user groups can be set up by the database administrator.
success = gd_addusers(datagroupID,groups,'groups') is similar but grants a group of users permission to query a datagroup, specified by its ID.
The function returns 1 if successful, or 0 if failed (for example if one of the users already has access permission or does not exist). All valid userIDs or groupsIDs in the array will be granted permission, and a warning message will be displayed for any that fail.
Grant users with user IDs user1 and user2 access to an archived file.
fileID = gd_archive('C:\file.dat');
users = {'user1','user2'};
Grant all registered users access to an archived file.
You must be the owner of the data to give others permission to access it.
A valid proxy certificate is required (see gd_createproxy from the Geodise Compute Toolbox).
Your certificate subject must have been added to the authorisation database.
gd_archive, gd_archivefiles, gd_datagroup, gd_query, gd_createproxy
Copyright © 2007, The Geodise Project, University of Southampton