ECS launches new MSc in Web Technology
A new MSc course in Web Technology is one of two new courses launched by ECS to run from October 2006. The new Web Technology course covers the current and emerging technologies being used to support web-based software systems. Also launched this year, the new Complexity Science MSc addresses the critical challenges facing the computational and biological sciences, by focusing on the underlying principles of complexity common to both.
The MSc in Web Technology provides the opportunity to study markup languages such as HTML and XML, their applications in e-business and web services, and related topics such as security, cryptography, intelligent agents, interaction design, and distributed computing systems, taught by leading experts in these areas.
The MSc Complexity Science places emphasis on two complementary objectives. Students on the course will learn how to use advanced techniques to understand the robust, adaptive and self-organising properties of biological and natural systems, and also how to exploit these properties to address the pressing problems presented by the increasing scale and connectivity of today's engineeered systems.
Both courses are intensive high-level, research-led programmes that last for one year, and involve a mixture of taught components as well as a 13-week research project and dissertation.
More Information.
Posted by Joyce K Lewis on 10 Jan 2006.