ECS Intranet:
TAGora - Semiotic Dynamics in Online Communities
This research project is located at the interface of several fields, such as computer science, complex systems science, cognitive science, psycholinguistics and information architecture, and is likely to feed back into the design of better applications. The project will contribute to Semiotic Dynamics, a new field that studies how semiotic relations can originate, spread, and evolve over time in populations, by combining recent advances in linguistics and cognitive science with methodological and theoretical tools from complex systems and computer science.
The TAGora project aims at exploiting the unique opportunities offered by the increasing popularity of computer-mediated social interaction in a variety of contexts. Such popularity, in fact, is making available large amounts of raw data from online semiotic systems (for example, collaborative tagging systems) and these data may become the foundantion of a true scientific investigation about the behavior of human agents on the Web and the dynamics of information in online communities.
Type: Normal Research Project
Research Group: Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
Themes: Semantic Web, Social Network Analysis, Web Science, Knowledge Technologies
Dates: 1st June 2006 to 31st May 2009
- La Sapienza University - Rome
- Sony - Paris
- University of Kassel - Germany
- University of Koblenz - Germany
- EU
Principal Investigators
Other Investigators
- mns2
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