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Remora: mobile applications to support the training of social workers in the wild

In common with many other professions, the training of social workers requires students to be placed in social work settings and to undergo assessment in the workplace. Trainee social workers, in England (those on an accredited social work degree (ug or pg)) must successfully complete 200 days in a practice setting. Currently the social work professional bodies indicate there is a lack of e-learning support for all stakeholders involved in the placement assessment process.

This project aims to provide mobile software toolkits to support work-based learning and assessment for social workers. A user centred design approach will be used to work closely with stakeholders to ensure that the applications we develop are based on actual needs. The mobile application architecture will be adapted from lessons learnt from the MPLAT project. It is envisaged that two applications will be developed. These applications will be subject to an extensive evaluation of their use by our partner social work delivery institution. Development and evaluation of the mobile applications will be done during the funding period. The outcomes will continue to be supported and further enhanced for a further 12 months. The dissemination of the outcomes will be accomplished in partnership with our supporting social work professional bodies.

Type: Normal Research Project
Research Groups: Web and Internet Science, Electronic and Software Systems
Themes: ELearning, Platforms and Tools, Mobile Learning
Dates: 1st November 2007 to 30th April 2009



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