This is now an inactive research group it's members have moved on. You can find them at their new research groups:

2006 Academic Year Seminars

  1. Sparse signal models: Theory, algorithms and applications
    Speaker: Thomas Blumensath, University of Edinburgh
    Thursday 13th September 2007

  2. Retinal Image Analysis – Challenges and Opportunities
    Speaker: Jayanthi Sivaswamy - IIIT – Hyderabad, India
    Friday 6th July 2007

  3. Rigorous finite-time guarantees for optimization on continuous domains by simulated annealing
    Speaker: Andrea Lecchini from the Department of Engineering, University of Leicester
    Thursday 7th June 2007

  4. Tool for Modelling Arbitrary Densities: Multiresolution Gaussian Mixture Models
    Speaker: Roland Wilson, University of Warwick
    Wednesday 28th February 2007

  5. Bath-Exeter-London-Southampton control seminar series (BELS)
    Speaker: Various
    Thursday 16th November 2006

  6. Introduction to ISIS
    Speaker: The ISIS staff
    Wednesday 25th October 2006

© School of Electronics and Computer Science of the University of Southampton