700 Reasons: Reason #370

Reason: 370
The use of a foreign language to communicate with other people, whether fellow-learners or native speakers, fosters the spirit of co-operation and provides practical proof of the value of learning a foreign language. This lays the basis for understanding the potential of linguistic competence in adult work and leisure: it helps learners to appreciate that they are citizens not only of the United Kingdom but also of Europe and the rest of the world. It encourages them to enter into and respect the attitudes and customs not only of other countries but also of the different communities making up their own society. With developing linguistic competence comes an enhanced awareness and heightened awareness of another culture, which enables pupils to gain access to and participate in that culture
The Department of Education and Science; Welsh Office (1990) Modern Foreign Languages for Ages 11 to 16 (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Citizenship, Communication, Culture, Intercultural competence, Secondary sector, Teamwork, Understanding, Values