Reason: 44
The teaching of foreign languages particularly to adults, has a clear political agenda based on the creation of a democratic peaceful Europe.
Starkey, H. (1999) ‘Foreign language teaching to adults: implicit and explicit political education’ in Oxford Review of Education, Volume 25, Nos 1 & 2, pp. 155-169
Related Keywords:
Democracy, Economic, social and political dimension, European Union (EU), Values
Reason: 47
Racism is precisely what language teaching in a democratic European context is trying to forestall
Starkey, H. (1999) ‘Foreign language teaching to adults: implicit and explicit political education’ in Oxford Review of Education, Volume 25, Nos 1 & 2, pp. 155-169
Related Keywords:
Democracy, Teaching, Values
Reason: 133
Practical language skills and knowledge are crucial to participation in democratic practices
Byram, M. (2003) ‘Teaching languages for democratic citizenship in Europe and beyond’ in Brown, K., Brown, M. (eds) Reflections on Citizenship in a Multilingual World (London: CILT), pp15-24
Related Keywords:
Democracy, Equality (equal opportunities), Knowledge, Language learning skills, Practical skills
Reason: 136
The pedagogy associated with language learning provides a further contribution of languages to citizenship. Communicative methodology is itself democratic. Skills developed in language classes are thus directly transferable to citizenship education, i.e. discussing in pairs, expressing opinion, working with others, taking part in public discourse
Starkey, H., Osler, A. (2003) ‘Language teaching for cosmopolitan citizenship’ in Brown, K., Brown, M. (eds) Reflections on Citizenship in a Multilingual World (London: CILT), pp. 25-35
Related Keywords:
Citizenship, Communication, Democracy, Key skills, Teaching, Teamwork
Reason: 137
The pedagogy of Communicative Language Teaching is based on the democratic principles of freedom of expression and equal opportunities for participation
Starkey, H., Osler, A. (2003) ‘Language teaching for cosmopolitan citizenship’ in Brown, K., Brown, M. (eds) Reflections on Citizenship in a Multilingual World (London: CILT), pp. 25-35
Related Keywords:
Communication, Democracy, Equality (equal opportunities), Teaching, Values
Reason: 232
Language learning is a key component of education for democratic citizenship; a participative process, which inter alia: equips mean and women to play an active part in public life and to shape in a responsible way their own destiny and that of their society; aims to instil a culture of human rights; prepares people to live in a multicultural society and to deal with difference knowledgeably, sensibly, tolerantly and morally; strengthens social cohesion, mutual understanding and solidarity
Council of Europe (1999) cited in Starkey, H. (2002) 'Citizenship, human rights and intercultural education' in Swarbrick, A. (ed) Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools (London: Routledge Falmer, The Open University), pp. 95-111
Related Keywords:
Citizenship, Democracy, Diversity, European Union (EU), Inclusion, Social cohesion, Understanding, Values
Reason: 396
Education in languages at school has an essential role to play in preparing all students for citizenship of the wider society. If it helps them become sensitive to the languages and cultures of others and develops in them sufficient confidence and competence to be able to use their languages, however modestly, in their interactions with other citizens, then they are more likely to understand others and to be respected by them. In this way the wider society becomes more open, democratic and inclusive
Scottish Executive, Ministerial Action Group on Languages (2000) Citizens of a Multilingual World: Key Issues (
Related Keywords:
Citizenship, Communication, Democracy, Inclusion, Intercultural competence, Personal and social development, Secondary sector, Understanding, Values