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The origin of local Sussex place names (6 Dec 06)

Date: 6 December, 2006
Location: University of Brighton
Event type: Subject Centre sponsored lecture

Location map | Event report

Guest speaker: Pamela Coombes

This event was sponsored by the Subject Centre's guest speaker fund.


Campus map
School of Languages
Falmer Campus
University of Brighton

Event reports

by Dr Catherine Watts, University of Brighton

On Wednesday December 6th the University of Brighton (Falmer Campus) was delighted to host a lunchtime guest lecture by Pamela Combes, a local historian in East Sussex. She gave a most informed and inspiring talk entitled The origins of local place names in Sussex.The talk was well-attended, comprising both staff and students from The School of Languages at the host institution as well as several visitors from outside. Pamela Combes' lecture was thought-provoking, entertaining and informative with many examples on slides from local records regarding place names and how these have changed over time from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day. Questions and discussion at the end covered such areas as the role played by Ordnance Survey maps in fixing and standardizing place names, recent discoveries of Roman villa remains in Barcombe, Sussex and tips on starting place name enquiries as part of English Language Research projects. Informal feedback after the lecture from both staff and students indicated that a very useful and enjoyable lunchtime had been spent and we would like to take this opportunity to thank LLAS for funding this very worthwhile lecture.