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Languages, education, technology and teaching conference

Date: 21 September, 2007
Location: Open Access Centre, Newcastle University
Event type: Subject Centre sponsored lecture

Location map | Event report

Past event summary

The LETT Show provided an overview of the latest developments in technology relating to Language Learning with guest speakers and practical workshops in the application of technology. The day was an informative and hands on event with plenty of opportunity to network.

This event was sponsored by the Subject Centre's guest speaker fund.


Campus map
Open Access Centre
Newcastle University


Workshop sessions included:

1. Show and tell - podcasting and Routes into Languages
Andrew Grenfell, Manager of Resources for Open Learning, Newcastle University and Dr Elizabeth A Andersen, Routes into Languages (North East Consortium Director).

2. Making the most of your multimedia suite
Wendy Adeniji, ICT Consultant

3. Database usage in Language Labs
Simon Wardman, Director of Studies, Nottingham

4. Digital language lab and class simulation
David Binns and Paul Redhead from SANAKO

Guest speakers and presentations included:

1. Steven Fawkes from ALL North East

2. Integration of commercial materials with VLE's
Trevor Pull, IT Co-ordinator, Nottingham Trent University

3. Video linking to French schools
Dianne Fleetham, Primary Education, University of Sunderland

A more detailed agenda is available online at

Event report: LETT Show (Languages, Learning, Education and Technology)

Prepared by MFL Coordinator Jenny Hayes

The LETT Show took place in the Open Access Centre (OAC) at Newcastle University. It was a collaborative effort between the Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) at the University of Sunderland, The Open Access Centre in the University of Newcastle and Sanako, the company that have installed a digital laboratory in both universities. The event was sponsored by Sanako and it was also partly paid for by the hiring of floor spaces to exhibitors. The Beehive provided their room for free and The Open Access centre provided their technical expertise and staff free of charge.

For CLL, the LETT Show formed part of a HEIF project. This project was prompted by the recent introduction of mandatory language classes in Primary schools. It is intended that the initiative develop high quality provision by sourcing expertise from both inside and outside the university or region as necessary for specific events and that through the development of workshops, support networks European links etc, it will provide a valuable resource for both experienced and newly qualified teachers.

The event

The event attracted 42 delegates, mostly from the North but they also came from as far south as Poole and as far north as Stirling. They comprised primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, FE college lecturers, university lecturers and IT staff from all of the aforementioned. Seminars took place that looked at the role technology will play in language teaching and learning in the future at all levels of education.

Keynote speakers were: Juhana Hietla - Educational Director Nokia and Steven Fawkes -producer of Ma France and Excuse my French BBC.

Workshops were offered on a variety of subjects: Simon Wardman showed how databases can be used in the language classroom, Wendy Adeniji gave a workshop on making the most of a multi media suite. Dianne Fleetham gave a presentation on how the PGCE Department at the University of Sunderland was instrumental in the setting up of a video link between a school in Sunderland and a French school. Ruth O’ Rourke presented on the HEFC project Routes into Languages which aims to enthuse people about studying languages and Andrew Grenfell (The Manager of the OAC and a former teacher) ran a successful workshop on using a visualiser to make classes exciting for pupils of primary age.