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Student study day: analysing Dante's poetry

Date: 6 December, 2008
Location: Leeds Humanities Research Institute, University of Leeds
Event type: Workshop

Location map | Programme

students in class

The second national study day organised by the Leeds Centre for Dante Studies will take place in December 2008. The topic will be Analysing the poetry of the 'Commedia', and it will provide students with the tools to analyse Dante's poetic techniques in the Commedia, including rhythm, metre, rhetorical devices, and style.

The aim of these study days is to introduce students to individual topics relating to Dante and to the cultural context of the Commedia, allowing them to explore these topics in greater depth than would usually be possible as part of a standard undergraduate programme. This year's study day aims to provide students with the tools to analyse Dante's poetic techniques in the Commedia, including rhythm, metre, rhetorical devices and style.

The Leeds Centre for Dante Studies exists to promote the study of Dante from a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives, both within the University of Leeds and beyond. It does so through a dynamic programme of research activity and collaboration, supporting and enriching undergraduate and postgraduate study, and bringing Dante to a wider public through its open lectures and podcasts. The Centre is based in the Department of Italian at the University of Leeds.

Workshop fee

There is no charge to attend for students of publicly funded UK educational institutions. The fee for employees and postgraduate students of private institutions/organisations and non-UK institutions is £40.


To register for the study day, please visit the Study Day website, complete the form and email it to the event organisers.

Provisional programme for 09 January 2009
Time Session
11.00 onwards Arrival
11.30 Welcome
11.30 - 12.30

Lecture: Introduction to the rhetorical and narrative strategies of the Commedia

Matthew Treherne

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 14.30

Lecture: Introduction to formal poetry analysis

Claire Honess

14.30 - 16.00 Close reading workshops in small groups
16.00 - 16.30 Presentation of group work
16.30 Close