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Creating Web-based Resources

Date: 6 April, 2001
Location: C&IT Centre, Hull
Event type: Workshop

Event report


The aims of this workshop were:

  • to provide an overview of the tools available for authoring web resources
  • to give hands-on practice in building pages
  • to show how to create interactive web-based exercises
  • to provide ideas on how to apply these skills to a teaching context
  • to show where to get further help


Overview of tools for page creation

Netscape Composer, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Word, HTML scripting using a text editor - brief demonstration of each and discussion of advantages / disadvantages (William Haworth, Fred Riley)

Introduction to Virtual Learning Environments

WebCT (Marina Orsini Jones)
This talk included Coventry's Learn Online & Use of WebCT at Coventry

Use of Blackboard at the University of Hull (Paul Chin)

Examples of use

Low tech, text-based: creating web-based resources (Tony McNeill)
High tech, multimedia: MERLIN - Lagelands (Miranda van Rossum) (info document: RTF14kb)

Case studies

TELRI (Jim Evans), WELL (Michael Shade)

Hands-on authoring using Microsoft Word

Production of page with varied text styles, aligned image, text and image hyperlinks, nested bullets, table, background (Michael Shade)

Creating interactive web-based exercises

Hot Potatoes, WELTS (William Haworth)
Interactive Language Learning (Steve Cushion)


How to make a web page available over the Web - description of different ways of uploading to server. Finding out more - ICT4LT, Netskills (Fred Riley)


Further resources

Please contact Janet Bartle if you have any questions regarding this workshop, or if you require further information.