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Open educational resources in the disciplines: a joint academy subject strand conference

Date: 26 October, 2010
Location: The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), 66 Portland Place, London
Event type: Conference

Location map | Programme

This one day event will showcase work by Subject Centres from the Subject Strand of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Open Educational Resources (OER) Phase One programme (14/08), including:

  • Humanities subject centres: English; History; Philosophical and Religious Studies; Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
  • Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre
  • Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine
  • UK Centre for Bioscience
  • UK Centre for Legal Education

The day will bring together colleagues from throughout the UK to discuss the key challenges facing OER in the discipline context, and its long-term sustainability within the Higher Education (HE) sector. The aim of the conference is to provide feedback and encourage discussion on the lessons and strategies developed for discovering, developing, enhancing and converting educational resources into OER.

The programme will include keynote presentations from the international OER community (Jeff Merriman from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stephen Downes will join us by video link), interactive workshops and opportunities for discussion, with plenty of time for networking with colleagues. Professor Diana Laurillard (Institute of Education, London) has also agreed to speak on "intelligent support for teachers who are designing new forms of learning".


Please note that registration is organised by the HEA Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Subject Centre – follow the instructions below:

Booking for this event is processed through Higher Education Academy ‘My Academy’ website.

  1. Login to My Academy.
  2. Under "What would you like to do", select "Event Booking".
  3. Select "Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine."
  4. Select Joint Academy Subject Strand Open Educational Resources (OER) Conference and follow the on-screen instructions to register.


  • There is no charge to attend this event for employees and postgraduate students of publicly funded UK higher educational institutions and other institutions with a subscription to the Higher Education Academy.
  • A buffet lunch is provided and refreshments will be available all day. Special diets will be catered for – please inform us at the time.

Travel bursary

Travel bursaries are not available for this event.


View the programme on the HEA Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine website.