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Future of Language Teaching at University

Date: 4 April, 2011
Location: Matthew Building Video Conference Room (Level 5), University of Dundee
Event type: Seminar

Location map | Programme

This event will examine language teaching at university at this critical time for language policy in the UK. It will include coverage of the following themes:

  • Promotion of languages across the university
  • Relationships between universities and schools/colleges
  • Sociolinguistic overview of the world we are now in and opportunities for languages within this
  • Collaboration across institutions in postgraduate research training
  • Community networking in newer languages (e.g. for resource development)


  • There is no charge to attend this event for employees and postgraduate students of publicly funded UK higher educational institutions and other institutions with a subscription to the Higher Education Academy.
  • There is a charge of £50 for employees and postgraduate students of private institutions/organisations and non-UK institutions to attend this event.
  • Please note that we reserve the right to charge a £20 cancellation fee if you do not notify us at least 24 hours beforehand that you are unable to attend.
  • Lunch will be provided.

Travel bursary

Travel bursaries are not available for this event.

Provisional programme for 4th April
Time Session
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee and registration
10.30 - 11.15 The languages marketplace: what does the world look like, what languages do we need and how to we get into new markets?
Dr Barbara Fennell, University of Aberdeen
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 232 KB)
11.15 - 11.30 Coffee
11.30 - 12.15 Making the case: the contribution of languages to exporting and productivity
Professor James Foreman-Peck, Cardiff Business School
(by videolink)
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 248 KB)
12.15 - 13.00 Scottish Baccalaureates are bridging the gap between school and university
Lorna Grant, Scottish Qualifications Authority
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 1.3 MB)
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 14.45 Workshop – Opportunities for collaboration in postgraduate research training
Professor Andrew Ginger, University of Stirling
14.45 - 15.15 Reaching out and working together: university support for community-based language learning
Alison Dickens, LLAS University of Southampton
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 3.8 MB)
15.15 - 15.45 Promoting languages across the university: the case of Aberdeen
Dr Gundula Sharman, University of Aberdeen
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 313 KB)
15.45 - 16.00 Summary and close